Index of Book Reviews
Alphabetical by Title A
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of Book Reviews by Title A in the cmarchive. The cmarchive index contains
all digitized reviews originally published in the print version of Canadian
Review of Materials 1971-1994.
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of Canada.
Kim Bellefontaine.
Review by Dave Jenkinson.
Preschool-grade 1 / Ages 2-6.
An Aardvark Flew an Airplane... and Other Silly
Alphabet Rhymes.
- David Dadson. Illustrated by Roy Condy.
- Review by Catherine Hoyt.
- Grades Preschool - 6 / Ages 4 - 10.
Abby and Tess Pet-Sitters Series.
- Golfish Don't Take Bubble Baths.
- Lizards Don't Wear Lip Gloss.
- Trina Wiebe. Illustrated by Maisol Sarrazin.
- Review by Joan C. Simpson.
- Grades 1 - 3 / Ages 6 - 8.
A B C Discovery!
- Izhar Cohen.
- Review by Dave Jenkinson.
- Grades Preschool - 6 / Ages 4 - 12.
The ABC's of Farming.
- Terry Chamberlain.
- Review by Dave Jenkinson.
- Grades 7 and up / Ages 12 and up.
Abductions & Aliens: What's Really Going
- Chris A. Rutkowski.
- Review by Alexander Gregor.
- Grades 11 and up / Ages 16 and up.
Accidental Discoveries from Laughing Gas to
Dynamite. (Rev. ed.: Originally published as The Serendipity Effect).
- Larry Verstraete. Illustrated by John Etheridge.
- Review by Darleen Golke.
- Grades 3 - 6 / Ages 8 - 11.
The Accidental Orphan.
- Constance Horne.
- Review by Mary Thomas.
- Grades 4 - 7 / Ages 9 - 12.
- Norma Charles.
- Review by Christina Pike.
- Grades 7-9 / Ages 10-14.
Across Frozen Seas.
- John Wilson.
- Review by Mary Thomas.
- Grades 3 - 7 / Ages 8 - 12.
Active Living: The Miracle Medicine for a Long
and Healthy Life.
- Gordon W. Stewart.
- Review by Marsha Kaiserman.
- All ages.
in Ancient Egypt. (Good Times Travel Agency Series).
- Linda Bailey. Illustrated by Bill Slavin.
- Review by Gail Hamilton.
- Grades 3 - 7 /Ages 8 - 12.
in the Middle Ages. (Good Times Travel Agency Series).
- Linda Bailey. Illustrated by Bill Slavin.
- Review by Gail Hamilton.
- Grades 3 - 7 /Ages 8 - 12.
Adventures of Baby Bear. (Nature Babies).
- Aubrey Lang.
- Review by Lisa Sykes.
- Grades kindergarten - 2 /Ages 5 - 7.
Adventures of Super Diaper Baby.
- Dav
- Review by Meredith MacKeen.
- Grades 3-6 / Ages 8-11.
with the Vikings. (Good Times Travel Agency).
Linda Bailey.
Review by Dave Jenkinson.
Grades 3-7 / Ages 8-12.
African Tales from Tendai's Grandmother.
- Lakshmi Mukundan.
- Review by Joan Payzant.
- Grades 3 - 6 / Ages 8 - 12.
After Hamelin.
- Bill Richardson.
- Review by Susan Fonseca.
- Grades 5 and up / Ages 10 and up.
After Paradise.
- Janis Rapoport.
- Review by Deborah Mervold.
- Grades 11 and up / Ages Adult.
After the War.
- Carol Matas.
- Review by Ian Stewart.
- Grades 6 - 9 / Ages 11 - 15.
After the War.
- Carol Matas.
- Review by Deborah Mervold.
- Grades 6 - 9 / Ages 11 - 15.
Macphail: Champion of the Underdog (Quest Library, 5).
- Rachel Wyatt.
- Review by Mary Thomas.
- Grades 9 - 12 / Ages 14 - 17.
Aiko's Flowers.
- Rui Umezawa. Illustrated by Yuji Ando.
- Review by Janice Foster.
- Grades Preschool - 4 / Ages 5 - 9.
Goes to Town.
- Jennifer Jordan. Illustrated by Shannon McNeill.
- Review by Luella Sumner.
- Grades Preschool - 1 / Ages 2 - 6.
Alecia's Challenge. (Sports Stories, 32).
- Sandra Diersch.
- Review by Audrey Cormier.
- Grades 3 - 8 / Ages 8 - 13.
Alexander Graham Bell: An Inventive Life.
- Elizabeth MacLeod.
- Review by Joan Simpson.
- Grades 4 - 6 / Ages 9 - 11.
Alice and the Birthday Giant. (A First Flight Level
Two Reader).
- John Green. Illustrated by Maryann Kovalski.
- Review by Gillian Richardson.
- Grades 1 - 3 / Ages 6 - 8.
Alice Falls Apart.
- Perry Nodelman. Illustrated by Stuart Duncan.
- Review by Naomi Gerrard.
- Grades Preschool - 3 / Ages 3 - 8.
Aliens in the Basement.
- Susan Reid. Illustrated by Susan Gardos.
- Review by Noreen Paterson.
- Grades 1 - 4 / Ages 6 - 10.
Aliens in Woodford. (Sam, Dog Detective, 4).
- Mary Labatt.
- Review by Meredith MacKeen.
- Grades 3 - 5 / Ages 8 - 10.
All Aboard! Cross Curricular Design and Technology
Strategies and Activities.
- The Metropolitan Toronto School Board. Edited by Julie E. Czerneda.
- Review by Deborah Mervold.
- Grades K - 6 / Ages 5 - 11.
All About People. (Scholastic First
- Review by Gail Hamilton.
- Grades 2 - 4 / Ages 7 - 9.
All on a Sleepy
Crum. Illustrated by Sylvie Daigneault.
Review by Harriet
3 / Ages 4-8.
the World’s a Stage: A Pop-up Biography of William Shakespeare.
Review by
Lorraine Douglas.
Grades 4
and up / Ages 9 and up.
Alligators & Crocodiles.
Karen Dudley.
Illustrated by Warren Clark.
Review by
Luella Sumner.
Grades 3
- 8 / Ages 9 - 14.
Almonte's Brothers of the Wind. R.
Tait McKenzie and James Naismith.
Frank Cosentino.
Review by
Thomas F. Chambers.
Grades 10
and up / Ages 15 and up.
Almost a Lifetime
John McMahon
Review by
Neil V. Payne
Grades 9
- 13 / Ages 13 and up.
Alone at Ninety Foot.
Review by
Joan Marshall.
Grades 6
- 9 / Ages 11 - 14.
Alphabake: A Cookbook and Cookie
Cutter Set.
Debora Pearson.
Illustrated by Jane Kurisu.
Review by
Kenneth Field.
Grades Preschool
- 6 / Ages 3 - 11.
AlphaBasiCs Series.
- Canada
from A to Z.
- The
United States from A to Z.
- Mexico
from A to Z.
Bobbie Kalman
& Niki Walker.
Review by
Gail Hamilton.
Grades 3
- 5 / Ages 8 - 10.
AlpaBasiCs Series.
- The
Earth from A to Z.
- School
from A to Z.
- What
is a Community?: from A to Z.
- The
Computer from A to Z.
Bobbie Kalman
& John Crossingham.
Review by
Janice Foster.
Grades 2
- 5 / Ages 7 - 10.
Amanda Adams Loves Herbie Hickle.
Patti Farmer.
Illustrated by Daniel Sylvestre.
Review by
Irene Gordon.
Grades K
- 3 / Ages 5 - 8.
Amazing Allstar Hockey Activity Book.
Jesse, Noah
and Julian Ross. Illustrated by Anne De Grace.
Review by
Lorraine Douglas.
Grades 4
- 7 / Ages 9 - 12.
Amazing Grace: The Story of the Hymn.
Linda Granfield.
Illustrated by Janet Wilson.
Review by
Dave Jenkinson.
Grades 4
and up / Ages 9 and up.
Women Athletes. (The Women's Hall of Fame Series).
Jill Bryant.
Review by Julie Chychota.
Grades 4-7 / Ages 9-12.
Amazon: The Complete 13 Adventures of Detective-Lieutenant
Cathy Carruthers.
Mel D. Ames.
Review by
Dave Jenkinson.
Grades 11
and up / Ages 14 and up.
Amy's Promise.
Thurman Hunter.
Review by
Jennifer Sullivan.
Grades 5
- 8 / Ages 10 - 13.
Anabel Lee.
Edgar Allan
Poe. Illustrated by Gilles Tibo.
Review by
Joan C. Simpson.
Grades 5
and up / Ages 10 and up.
and the Haunted House.
Richardo Keens-Douglas.
Illustrated by Stéphane Jorisch.
Review by Val Nielsen.
Kindergarten-grade 4 / Ages 5-9.
Anastasia's Album.
Hugh Brewster.
Review by
Sharon A. McLennan McCue.
Grades 5
and up / Ages 10 and up.
Ancient Egypt. (History Detectives).
Philip Ardagh.
Illustrated by Colin King.
Review by
Ian Stewart.
Grades 5
- 8 / Ages 10 - 13.
And the Fear Makes Us Special.
John Wing.
Review by
Dave Jenkinson.
Grades 10
and up / Ages 15 and up.
Andrew, Catch That Cat!
Deanne Lee
Bingham. Illustrated by Kim LaFave.
Review by
Gillian Richardson.
Grades 1
- 3 / Ages 6 - 9.
Andrew's Loose Tooth.
Robert Munsch.
Illustrated by Michael Martchenko.
Review by
Gail Hamilton.
Grades Preschool
- 1 / Ages 4 - 6.
Angel Cat.
Review by
Gillian Noonan.
Grades K
- 3 / Ages 5 - 8.
Angel on Her Knees.
Review by
Tony Payzant.
Grades 7
- 12 / Ages 11 - 16.
The Angel Tree.
Robin Muller.
Review by
Jennifer Sullivan.
Grades Preschool
- 2 / Ages 4 - 7.
Angels in the Snow.
Wenda Young.
Review by
Joan Marshall.
Grades 6
- 9 / Ages 11 - 14.
Animal Defenses: How Animals Protect Themselves.
Etta Kaner.
Illustrated by Pat Stephens.
Review by
Luella Sumner.
Grades 2
- 7 / Ages 7 - 12.
Animal Heroes: 27 True Stories.
Review by
Dave Jenkinson.
Grades 3-9
/ Ages 8-14.
Animal Senses: How Animals See, Hear, Taste, Smell
and Feel.
Pamela Hickman.
Illustrated by Pat Stephens.
Review by
Harriet Zaidman.
Grades 2
- 6 / Ages 7 - 11.
Animal Sneezes.
Roy Bennet.
Review by
Liz Greenaway.
1 / Ages 2-6.
Talk: How Animals Communicate Through Sight, Sound and Smell. (Animal
Behaviour Series).
Etta Kaner.
Illustrated by Greg Douglas.
Review by Janice Foster.
Grades 2-6 / Ages 7-11.
Animal Trackers Around the World Series.
- At
the Poles.
- On
- In
the Jungle.
- Down
Tessa Paul.
Review by
Gail Hamilton.
Grades 1
- 4 / Ages 6 - 9.
Animals and Nature. (Scholastic First
Review by
Gail Hamilton.
Grades 2
- 4 / Ages 7 - 9.
at Work: How Animals Build, Dig, Fish and Trap.
Etta Kaner.
Review by
Gillian Richardson.
Grades 2-6
/Ages 7-11.
Animals Eating: How Animals Chomp, Chew,
Slurp and Swallow.
Pamela Hickman.
Illustrated by Pat Stephens.
Review by
Cora Lee.
Grades 2
- 6 / Ages 7 - 11.
Animals in Motion: How Animals Swim, Jump,
Slither and Glide.
Pamela Hickman.
Illustrated by Pat Stephens.
Review by
Liz Greenaway.
Grades 2
- 6 / Ages 7 - 11.
Anna's Goat.
Janice Kulyk
Keefer. Illustrated by Janet Wilson.
Review by
Alison Mews.
Grades 1
- 4 / Ages 6 - 9.
Anne of Green Gables.
L.M. Montgomery.
Illustrated by Laura Fernandez and Rick Jacobson.
Review by
Val Nielsen.
Grades 3
and up / Ages 8 and up.
Anorexia Nervosa: When Food is the Enemy (Teen
Health Library of Eating Disorder Prevention).
Erica Smith.
Review by
Joanne Peters.
Grades 4
- 10 / Ages 9 - 15.
An Anthology for the Earth.
Judy Allen
Review by
Gail Hamilton.
Grades 6
and up / Ages 11 and up.
Ants Don't Catch Flying
Saucers. (Abby and Tess, Pet-Sitters, No. 5).
Trina Wiebe.
Illustrated by Marisol Sarraz.
Review by
Janice Foster.
Grades 2-4
/ Ages 7-9.
Aphid & The Shadow Drinkers.
Steven Lattey.
Review by
Joanne Peters.
Grades 12
and up / Ages 17 and up.
Arctic Stories.
Avaarluk Kusugak. Illustrated by Vladyana Langer Krykorka.
Review by
Valerie Nielsen.
Grades K
- 4 / Ages 5 - 9.
Arf! Beg! Catch! Dogs from A to Z.
Henry Horenstein.
Review by
Dave Jenkinson.
Grades Preschool
- 2 / Ages 3 - 7.
Argentina, the Culture. (The Lands,
Peoples and Culture Series).
Greg Nickles.
Review by
Gail Hamilton.
Grades 4
- 9 / Ages 9 - 14.
Argentina, the Land. (The Lands,
Peoples and Culture Series).
Greg Nickles.
Review by
Gail Hamilton.
Grades 4
- 9 / Ages 9 - 14.
Argentina, the People. (The Lands,
Peoples and Culture Series).
Greg Nickles.
Review by
Gail Hamilton.
Grades 4
- 9 / Ages 9 - 14.
Around the World in Eighteen Plays: Folk
Tale scripts for the Classroom.
Claire Northrop.
Review by
Patricia Fry.
Grades K
- 6 / Ages 5 - 11.
Arrowdreams: An Anthology of Alternate Canadas.
Edited by
Mark Shainblum and John Dupuis.
Review by
Dave Jenkinson.
Grades 10
and up / Ages 15 and up.
Art and Illustration for the Classroom: A Guide for
Teachers and Parents.
Review by
Joan Walters.
Art and Illustration for the Classroom: A Guide for
Teachers and Parents.
Review by
Joan Walters.
for the Heart: Creative Art Expression for You and Your Friends. (Girl
Mary Wallace.
Illustrated by Claudia Dávila.
Review by
Ann Abel.
Grades 4-8
/ Ages 9-13.
Artists' Workshop Series.
- Landscapes.
- Portraits.
- Stories.
Clare Roundhill
and Penny King. Edited by Bobbie Kalman.
Review by
Grace Shaw.
Grades 3
- 9 / Ages 8 - 14.
Assessment and ESL: On the Yellow Big Road
to the Withered of OZ.
Law and Mary Eckes.
Review by
Gail Lennon.
At Home.
Jinny Johnson.
Illustrated by Sue Cony.
Review by
Joan Payzant.
Grades Preschool
/ Ages 3 and up
At the Market.
Jinny Johnson.
Illustrated by Sue Cony.
Review by
Joan Payzant.
Grades Preschool
/ Ages 3 and up.
Atlantic Sea Stories.
Edited by
John Bell.
Review by
Joan Payzant.
Grades 9
and up / Ages 14 and up.
The Atlas of Archaeology: The Definitive
Guide to the Location, History & Significance of the World's Most
Important Archeological Sites & Finds.
Mick Aston
and Tim Taylor.
Review by
Gail Hamilton.
Grades 6
and up / Ages 11 and up.
The Atlas of the World's Worst Natural
Lesley Newson.
Review by
Gail Hamilton.
Grades 5
and up / Ages 10 and up.
Atom Bomb.
Tom Seddon.
Review by
Ian Stewart.
Grades 7
- 9 / Ages 12 - 15.
Attack on Montreal.
Pierre Berton.
Review by
Catherine Cox.
Grades 6
- 10 / Ages 11 - 14.
Aunt Mary Buttons.
Diane Jarvis
Review by
Lorraine Douglas.
All ages.
Aurora Awards: An Anthology of Prize-Winning Science
Fiction & Fantasy.
Edo van
Belkom (Ed.)
Review by
Dave Jenkinson.
Grades 9
and up / Ages 14 and up.
Awake and Dreaming.
Kit Pearson.
Review by
Dave Jenkinson.
Grades 3
- 6 / Ages 8 - 11.
Index of Book Reviews
Alphabetical by Title
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