
CM Archive








Book Reviews by Author


Zagwyn, Deborah Turney
Mood Pocket, Mud Bucket
Reviewed by Wendy Carter
Grades 1-6 / Ages 6-11
1989 July

Zagwyn, Deborah Turney
The Pumpkin Blanket
Reviewed by Adele M. Fasick
Preschool to Grade 1 / Ages 3-6
1991 March

Zalan, Magda
In a Big Ugly House Far From Here...
Reviewed by Sue Easun
Grades 4 and up
1983 May

Zander, Hans
My Blue Chair
Reviewed by Sally Davis
K-Grade 1
1986 March

Zeller, Ludwig
A Celebration
Reviewed by Wendy Carter
Grades 12 and up
1988 March

Zeman, Brenda
To Run With Longboat: Twelve Stories of Indian Athletes in Canada
Reviewed by Ed Somerville
Grades 7 and up / Ages 12 and up
1989 July

Zeman, Ludmila
Gilgamesh the King
Reviewed by Allison Haupt
Grades K-3 / Ages 5-11
1993 January

Zichmanis, Zile and James Hodgins
Flowers of the Wild: Ontario and the Great Lakes Region
Reviewed by Elinor Kelly
1983 May

Zimmer, Henry B.
Making Your Money Grow: A Canadian Guide to Successful Perosonal Finance
Reviewed by David Chadwick
Grades 9 and up/ Ages 14 and up
1989 May

Zimmer, Henry B. and Dave Greber
How to Profit from the Coming-Hyperinflation
Reviewed by Thomas F. Chambers
Grades 12 and up
1985 May

Zimmer, Henry B. and V. Jeanne Kaufman
Reshaping Your Investment Strategies for the 1980s
Reviewed by Allan Kogon
1983 July

Zimmerman, Barry and Milton Gold
Allergies and Children
Reviewed by Elizabeth Woodger
Grades 9 and up
1987 January

Zimmermann, H. Werner
Henny Penny
Reviewed by Ronald Jobe
Preschool-grade 2 / Ages 3-7
1989 September

Zimmermann, H. Werner
Twelve Months Make a Year
Reviewed by Barbara Camfield
Preschool-grade 2 / Ages 3-7
1991 January

Zimmermann, H. Werner
Zero is Not Enough
Reviewed by Barbara Camfield
Preschool-grade 2 / Ages 3-7
1991 January

Zimmermann, Werner
A Circle is Not a Valentine
Reviewed by Gwen Maguire
Preschool-grade 2 / Ages 3-7
1990 May

Zimmermann, Werner
The Color of Spring
Reviewed by Gwen Maguire
Preschool-grade 3 / Ages 3-8
1990 May

Zinck, E. E., R. A. Nalepa and R. L. Whitman
Chemistry Today
Reviewed by Ingrid vonHausen
Grades 9 and up
1983 July

Zippan, Fiona and Doug Atkinson
Check it Out! The Essential, Indespensable Guide to Children's Video
Reviewed by Christine Jacobs
Adult / Professional
1994 March/April

Zipper, Yaacov
The Far Side of the River: Selected Short Stories
Reviewed by Warner Winter
Grades 11 and up
1986 September

Zola, Meguido, David Booth and Larry Swartz
Choosing Childrens' Books
Reviewed by Adèle Ashby
1989 May

Zola, Meguido with Carolyn Marie Mamchur
In the Garden
Reviewed by Norma Charles
Grades 2-4 / Ages 7-9
1994 Jan/Feb

Zola, Meguido
Karen Kain: Born to Dance
Reviewed by Eunice C. Wesley
Grades 2 and up
1983 September

Zola, Meguido
Reviewed by Patrick Dunn
Grades K-4
1983 September

Zola, Meguido
My Kind of Pup
Reviewed by Jane Robinson
Preschool-grade 3 / Ages 3-8
1987 July

Zola, Meguido and Melanie Zola
Sharon, Lois & Bram
Reviewed by Joan M. Payzant
Grades 3 and up
1984 January

Zola, Melanie
Peanut Butter is Forever
Reviewed by Nadiya Blaine
Grades 5-8
1984 September

Zola, Melanie and Meguido Zola
Sharon, Lois & Bram
Reviewed by Joan M. Payzant
Grades 3 and up
1984 January

Zolf, Larry
Just Watch Me: Remembering Pierre Trudeau
Reviewed by Louise Dick
Grades 12 and up
1985 January

Zolf, Larry
Survival of the Fattest: An Irreverent View of the Senate
Reviewed by Paul E. Blower
Grades 10 and up
1985 March

Zucchi, John E.
Italians in Toronto: Developlent of a National Identity
Reviewed by John D. Crawford
Grades 11 and up/ Ages 16 and up
1989 May

Zwicker, Linda
Misfits and Miracles
Reviewed by Jennifer Johnson
Grades 4-6 / Ages 9-11
1993 September

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