Book Reviews by Age and Grade Level
Grades 7 to 9
Face in the Flames
- David Boyd
- Reviewed by Constance Hall
- Grades 6 to 9 / Ages 11 to 14
- 1990 September
The Falcon Bow: An Arctic Legend
- James Houston
- Reviewed by Adele M. Fasick
- Grades 4-8 / Ages 9-13
- 1987 March
Families of the World: Family Life at the Close of the 20 Century. Vol. 2, East Asia, Southeast Asia and the Pacific
- Helene Tremblay
- Reviewed by Graham Draper
- Grade 7 and up / Ages 12 and up
- 1991 September
The Family Horse: How to Choose Care for, Train & Work Your Horse
- Jackie Spaulding
- Reviewed by Ingrid vonHausen
- All Ages
- 1983 March
Family Rivalry
- Gail Hamilton
- Reviewed by Margaret Mackey
- Grades 6 to 9/Ages 11 to 14
- 1992 November
Famous Indian Leaders: Following Historic Trails
- Philomena Hauck and Kathleen M. Snow
- Reviewed by Lillian M. Turner
- Grades 7-9 / Ages 12-14
- 1990 January
Far Distant Ships
- Joseph Schull
- Reviewed by Neil V. Payne
- Grades 7 and up
- 1988 September
Farley Mowat: Writing the Squib
- John Orange
- Reviewed by Ellen Robson
- Grades 7 and up / Ages 12 and up
- 1994 September
The Farm
- Reuben Sallows and John de Visser
- Reviewed by Jack Brown
- Grades 7 and up
- 1985 March
The Farm
- Reuben Sallows
- Reviewed by Walter Kalyn
- Grades 7 and up / Ages 12 and up
- 1989 July
Father Athol Murray and the Hounds of Notre Dame
- Tom Bonic
- Reviewed by JoAnna Burns-Patton
- Grades 4-7
- 1984 January
Fathers and Heroes
- Brian MacKinnon
- Reviewed by A. L. Florence
- Grades 9 and up
- 1983 July
Feeding Wild Birds in Winter
- Clive Dobson
- Reviewed by Elinor Kelly
- All Ages
- 1983 July
Feeding Your Child: From Infancy to Six Years Old
- Louise Lambert-Lagacé
- Reviewed by Elizabeth Lockett
- Grades 9 and up
- 1986 July
Felicity's Challenge
- Gail Hamilton
- Reviewed by Kay Kerman
- Grades 5-8 / Ages 10-13
- 1992 March
Fifty Years After
- John Gardam
- Reviewed by Jack Brown
- Grades 7 and up / Ages 12 and up
- 1991 March
Finding Home
- Frances Duncan
- Reviewed by Ellen Robson
- Grades 9 and up
- 1983 July
The Firefighter
- Bernice Thurman Hunter
- Reviewed by B. Henley
- Grades 4-9 / Ages 9-14
- 1992 March
Fire! Fire!
- Martyn Godfrey
- Reviewed by William F. Benson
- Grades 7-12 / Ages 12-17
- 1986 March
A Fire in the Rain
- Ron Atkinson
- Reviewed by Hugh A. Cook
- Grades 7 and up / Ages 12 and up
- 1992 March
Fire on Ice
- Eric Lindros with Randy Starkman
- Reviewed by Ed Sommerville
- Grades 7 and up / Ages 12 and up
- 1992 May
First People, First Voices
- Edited by Penny Petrone
- Reviewed by David Chaddwick
- Grades 9 and up
- 1984 March
First Stage: The Making of the Stratford Festival
- Tom Patterson and Allan Could
- Reviewed by Louise Griffith
- Grades 8 and up
- 1987 September
Fish and Chops
- Mary Wilson
- Reviewed by Donna Adrian
- Grades 4-8
- 1987 March
Fish House Secrets
- Kathy Stinson
- Reviewed by Margaret Mackey
- Grades 7-9 / Ages 12-14
- 1992 October
Fishin' Hats: a Collection of True Fish Stories
- Gord Deval
- Reviewed by Glenn P. Gerbrandt
- Grades 9 and up
- 1983 September
Fishing for Angels: The Magic of Kites
- David Evans
- Reviewed by Joan M. Payzant
- Grades 5 and up / Ages 10 and up
- 1991 September
Fit All Over
- Richelle Bradshaw, Shirley Main and Gordon W. Stewart
- Reviewed by Elizabeth Woodger
- Grades 9 and up
- 1984 September
Fitness for the Disabled: Wheelchair Users
- Jean Gairdner
- Reviewed by Elizabeth Woodger
- Grades 9 and up
- 1984 January
Fitness Fun
- Lesley Parsonson
- Reviewed by Dale Simmons
- Grades 8 and up
- 1983 January
Five Days of the Ghost
- William Bell
- Reviewed by Irene Gordon
- Grades 5 and up / Ages 10 and up
- 1989 September
Five From The Fringe
- Nancy Bell (Edited by)
- Reviewed by Louise Griffith
- Grades 9 and up
- 1987 January
Five New Facts About Giorgione
- Hugh Hood
- Reviewed by Melanie Fogel
- Grades 8 and up
- 1988 July
Flashback Canada: New Edition
- Bradley J. Cruxton and W. Douglas
- Reviewed by Jerry McDonnell
- Grades 7 to 10
- 1987 November
Flavours of Newfoundland & Labrador
- J. J. Sharp
- Reviewed by Sally Davis
- Grades 6 and up
- 1982 September
- Connie B. Crook
- Reviewed by Darleen Golke
- Grades 7 and up / Ages 12 and up
- 1992 May
Foghorn Passage
- Alison Lohans
- Reviewed by Dave Jenkinson
- Grades 5-9 / Ages 10-14
- 1992 September
Food for the Settler
- Bobbie Kalman
- Reviewed by Wilma D. K. Scott
- Grades 4-8
- 1983 March
Foodworks: An Ontario Science Centrebook
- Reviewed by Anna L. Holman
- Grades Grades 3-7
- 1987 January
- Margaret Fishback Powers
- Reviewed by Edith Parsons
- Grades 9 and up/Ages 14 and up
- 1993 September
Footsteps on Old Floors
- Thomas H. Raddall
- Reviewed by Adele Case
- Grades 9 and up
- 1988 September
...For Land's Sake
- David M. Welch
- Reviewed by Michael Ball
- Grades 9 and up
- 1982 September
Forbidden City
- William Bell
- Reviewed by Elinor Kelley
- Grades 9 and up / Ages 14 and up
- 1990 July
Forced March to Freedom: An Illustrated Diary of Two Forced Marches and the Interval Between January to May 1945
- Robert Buckham
- Reviewed by Alfred F. Greenwood
- Grades 9 and up
- 1985 March
The Forests of British Columbia
- Cameron Young and others
- Reviewed by Adele Case
- Grades 9 and up
- 1986 May
For the Birds
- Margaret Atwood
- Reviewed by Jennifer Johnson
- Grades 3-7 / Ages 8-12
- 1991 March
Forcing the Edge
- Kurt Browning
- Reviewed by Irene Gordon
- Grades 6 and up/Ages 11 and up
- 1993 March
Fortunes in the Ground: Cobalt Porcupine & Kirkland Lake
- Michael Barnes
- Reviewed by Neil V. Payne
- Grades 9 and up
- 1987 July
Forty Nights to Freedom: The True Prisoner Commander Stewart F. Cowan (Ret.)
- Gladys E. Smith
- Reviewed by Alfred F. Greenwood
- Grades 9 and up
- 1985 September
For You Who Died I Must Live on...
- Edited by Eli Rubenstein
- Reviewed by Val K. Lem
- Grades 9 and up / Ages 14 and up
- 1994 September
Founders & Guardians: 74 Portraits
- Irma Coucill
- Reviewed by Maureen Pammett
- Grades 6 and up
- 1983 January
The Fountain Seal
- Margaret Epp
- Reviewed by Elaine Blakey
- Grades 9 and up
- 1983 November
A Fragile Tree has Roots: a Collection of Poetry
- John C. Walker
- Reviewed by Patrick Dunn
- Grades 9 and up
- 1983 September
Fragments of War: Stories from Survivors of World War II
- Joyce Hibbert
- Reviewed by Louise Dick
- Grades 7 and up
- 1986 May
Fragrant Basketry: The Pine Needle and Raffia Handbook
- Katherine L. Armstrong
- Reviewed by Christine Buchanan
- Grades 7 and up
- 1987 May
The Fraser Valley: A History
- John A. Cherrington
- Reviewed by John D. Crawford
- Grades 9 and up / Ages 14 and up
- 1993 March
Frederic Freeman: Pioneer Merchant
- Phyllis James
- Reviewed by Mary Fallis
- Grades 9 and up
- 1985 January
Free Stuff for Kids
- Barbara Hehner (Edited by)
- Reviewed by Jan Hall
- Grades 1-8
- 1983 January
Freedom Isn't Free: A Boat People Story as Told by Phu Sam
- Evelyn Friesen
- Reviewed by John D. Crawford
- Grades 8 and up
- 1986 May
The Freedom Run
- Phil Campagna
- Reviewed by Kay Herman
- Grades 7-9 / Ages 12-14
- 1991 January
Freefall: A True Story
- William Hoffer and Marilyn Mona Hoffer
- Reviewed by Lynne McAvoy
- Grades 9 and up / Ages 14 and up
- 1989 July
French Immersion: the Trial Balloon that Flew
- Valerie Argue, Sharon Lapkin and Merrill Swain
- Reviewed by Adele L. Massena
- Grades 6-9
- 1983 July
- Pat Krause
- Reviewed by Ron Jobe
- Grades 7 and up
- 1982 September
A Friend Like You
- Roger Paré
- Reviewed by Nancy Black
- Preschool-grade 3 / Ages 4-8
- 1985 January
Frog Lake Massacre
- Reviewed by Elaine Atwood
- Grades 6 and up
- 1984 September
From the Ground: the Story of Planting in Nova Scotia
- Marjorie Major
- Reviewed by Joan M. Payzant
- Grades 7 and up
- 1982 September
From the Heart: Folk Art in Canada
- Reviewed by J. E. Simpson
- Grades 6 and up
- 1984 January
From the Praries With Hope
- Jane L. Aberson
- Reviewed by Charles Ottosen
- Grades 8 and up / Ages 13 and up
- 1992 March
From War to Winterlude: 150 Years on the Rideau Canal/De la Défense à la Détente: Les 150 Ans du Canal Rideau
- Mary E. Peck
- Reviewed by Jack Brown
- Grades 7 and up
- 1983 May
Frozen Fire
- James Houston
- Reviewed by Nadiya Blaine
- Grades 7 and up / Ages 12 and up
- 1984 November
Fruit Growing Industry in Canada
- Brian Smith
- Reviewed by Alma Webster
- Grades 7-9
- 1987 January
The Fun Factory
- Reviewed by Jane Robinson
- Grades 2-7
- 1986 May
Fur Trade in Canada
- Keith Wilson
- Reviewed by David Remski
- Grades 7 and up
- 1984 January
Fur Trader's Photographs
- William C. James
- Reviewed by A.L. Florence
- Grades 9 and up
- 1986 March
The Fusion Factor
- Carol Matas
- Reviewed by Eve Williams
- Grades 6-7 / Ages 11-12
- 1987 March
Future Pop: Music for the Eighties
- Peter L. Noble
- Reviewed by Sue Easun
- Grades 7 and up
- 1983 November
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