
CM Archive








Book Reviews by Age and Grade Level

Grades 7 to 9


Nanoose Bay Suite
Kevin Roberts
Reviewed by Tony Cosier
Grades 9 and up
1985 July

Narrow Gauge for Us: the Story of the Toronto and Nipissing Railway
Charles Cooper
Reviewed by Albert P. Calame
Grades 9 and up
1983 May

Native Literature in Canada: From the Oral Tradition to the Present
Penny Petrone
Reviewed by Joan Skogan
Grades 9 and up / Ages 14 and up
1991 January

Natives and Newcomers: Canada's "Heroic Age" Reconsidered
Bruce G. Trigger
Reviewed by Hugh A. Cook
Grades 9 and up
1986 March

Nature Detecting Winter
Michael Collins
Reviewed by Eve Williams
Grades 7 and up
1986 March

Nature Diary of a Quiet Pedestrian
Philip Croft
Reviewed by Hugh A. Cook
Grades 7 and up
1987 September

Neighbours: a Play for Children
Gloria Sawai
Reviewed by Fran Newman
Grades 6 and up
1983 March

Neighbours: the United States and Canada
Tony Burley and Harold Skolrood
Reviewed by Howard Hurt
Grades 6-8
1982 November

The Neon Jacket
Paula Handler
Reviewed by Michael Freeman
Grades 7-9 / Ages 12-14
1990 January

Never Let Go: The Tragedy of Kristy McFarlane
Tom MacDonnell
Reviewed by Susan Fowler
Grades 9 and up
1988 March

New Beginnings: a Social History of Canada, Volume 2
Daniel Francis and James H. Marsh
Reviewed by John Harkness
Grades 7-10
1983 March

New Canadian Kid: A Play for Young People
Dennis Foon
Reviewed by Louise Griffith
Grades 3-8
1984 May

The New Kids' Question and Answer Book
Compiled by Katherine Farris
Reviewed by Pat Steenbergen
Grades 3-8 / Ages 8-13

1994 Jan/Feb
The New North: An Account of a Woman's 1908 Journey Through Canada to the Arctic
Agnes Deans Cameron
Reviewed by A.L. Florence
Grades 9 and up
1987 March

The New Oxford Books of Canadian Verse in English
Margaret Atwood (Edited by)
Reviewed by Marion Mintis
Grades 9 and up
1983 March

The Newfoundland Character: An Anthology of Newfoundland & Labrador Writings
D.W.S. Ryan and T.P. Rossiter (Edited by)
Reviewed by Manion Mintis
Grades 9 and up
1985 May

Next Teller: A Book of Canadian Storytelling
Dan Yashinsky
Reviewed by Judy Coulman
Grades 7 and up / Ages 12 and up
1994 October

NHL Hockey
Brian McFarlene
Reviewed by G. Jane Crozier
Grades 5 and up
1984 November

NHL Hockey, 1984-1985
Brian McFarlane
Reviewed by Walter Kalyn
Grades 5-10
1985 July

Leslie Semaan and John Hillian
Reviewed by Graham A. Draper
Grades 5 to 9
1988 March

The Night Hazel Came to Town
John Ibbitson
Reviewed by Margaret Mackey
Grades 6-9 / Ages 11-14
1994 May/June

Nightingale of the North
Amy Louise Peyton
Reviewed by Sally Davis
Grade 9 and up
1984 September

Nightmare Mountain
Myra Paperny
Reviewed by Joan Weller
Grades 5 to 8
1989 January

Nightwatch: an Equinox Guide to Viewing the Universe
Terence Dickinson
Reviewed by Robin Lewis
Grade 9 and up
1984 September

Nine Days Queen
Karleen Bradford
Reviewed by Joan McGrath
Grades 8 and up / Ages 13 and up
1987 January

The Nine Lives of a Cowboy
H. "Dude" Lavington
Reviewed by Frank Karas
Grades 9 and up
1983 May

No. 242 Squadron the Canadian Years: the Story of the RAF's "All-Canadian" Fighter Squadron
Hugh Halliday
Reviewed by Alfred F. Greenwood
Grades 6 and up
1983 March

No Axe Too Small to Grind: The Best of Joey Slinger
Joey Slinger
Reviewed by Catherine R. Cox
Grades 9 and up
1986 July

No Coins, Please
Gordan Korman
Reviewed by Pauline Henaut
Grades 7 and up / Ages 12 and up
1985 January

No Place for A Lady: The Story of Canadian Women Pilots 1928-1992
Shirley Render
Reviewed by Esther Hutchison
Grades 9 and up / Ages 14 and up
1993 March

No Room in the Well
Cecil F. Beeler
Reviewed by Gillian M. Noonan
Grades 6-9 / Ages 11-14
1993 November

No Safe Place
Marion Crook
Reviewed by Esther Hutchinson
Grades 6 to 9
1988 November

No Signature
William Bell
Reviewed by Anne Louise Mahoney
Grades 7-9 / Ages 12-14
1992 September

Nobody Said it Would Be Easy
Marilyn Halvorson
Reviewed by Patricia Fry
Grades 7 and up / Ages 12 and up
1987 July

North American Indian Art
Jill L. Furst and Peter T. Furst
Reviewed by Dave Jenkinson
Grades 7 and up
1983 November

The North West Company
Marjorie Wilkins Campbell
Reviewed by Maureen R. Harper
Grades 9 and up
1984 January

Northern Man: the Victor
Jim Martin
Reviewed by Robin Lewis
Grades 9 and up
1984 March

Northern Traders: Caribou Hair in the Stew
Archie Hunter
Reviewed by Robert T. Lewis
Grades 9 and up
1983 September

A Nose is for Smelling
R. H. Wright
Reviewed by Jean E. Mabee
Grades 6 and up
1984 September

Not So Dumb: Four Plays for Young People
John Lazarus
Reviewed by Maryleah Otto
Grades 3 to 6 / Ages 8 to 11 (Night Light)
Grades 3 to 8 / Ages 8 to 13 (School Yard Games)
Grades 3 to 8 / Ages 8 to 13 (Not So Dumb)
Grades 7 to 11 / Ages 12 to 16 (Secrets)
1993 November

Now Back to You Dick: Two Lifetimes in Hockey
Dick Irvin
Reviewed by Clare A. Darby
Grades 7 and up
1989 January

Nutrition: Making Choices About What We Eat
Tamara Shuttleworth
Reviewed by Alma Webster
Grades 9-12
1986 January

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