Book Reviews by Age and Grade Level
Professional / Adult
The Tact of Teaching
- Edited by Max van Manen
- Reviewed by Gail Lennon
- Adult/Professional
- 1992 March
Take Time for Fun: Songs and Fingerplay for Children
- Beverley Gay
- Reviewed by Margaret Marsh
- Professional
- 1982 September
Taking Stock: the Calgary Conference on the Canadian Novel
- Charles R. Steele (Edited by)
- Reviewed by Boh Kinczyk
- Post-Secondary
- 1982 November
Taking the Veil: An Alternative to Marriage, Motherhood and Spinsterhood in Quebec, 1840-1920
- Marta Danylewycz
- Reviewed by Donna J. Adrian
- Adult
- 1987 November
Tales From the Outer Fringe
- David G. Pitt
- Reviewed by Melanie Fogel
- Adult
- 1991 September
Tales of Heritage II
- Hédi Bouraoui
- Reviewed by Lillian M. Turner
- Grades 9 to Adult
- 1987 July
Tales of the North Atlantic
- Hal Lawrence
- Reviewed by Neil Payne
- Grades 12 and up
- 1986 May
The Talk Curriculum
- Edited by David Booth and Carol Thornley-Hall
- Reviewed by Gail Lennon
- Professional
- 1991 October
Talking Prophet Blues
- Maggie Helwig
- Reviewed by Doug Watling
- Post-secondary/Adult
- 1989 September
The Tall Soldier
- Manuel Alvarez
- Reviewed by Leslie McGrath
- Grades 12 and up
- 1984 September
Taming the Tiger: The Struggle to Control Technology
- Witold Rybcznski
- Reviewed by Don Precosky
- Grades 12 and up
- 1985 November
- Brian Brett
- Reviewed by Lillian M. Turner
- Adult
- 1991 November
Tangled Tongue: Living With a Stutter
- Jock A. Carlisle
- Reviewed by Glenn DiPasquale
- Professional
- 1986 May
Targeting High-Growth Industry
- Roy George
- Reviewed by Thomas F. Chambers
- Post-Secondary
- 1984 November
The Tatooed Woman
- Marian Engel
- Reviewed by Barbara J. Graham
- Grades 12 and up
- 1986 January
Teach Your Child to Draw: Bringing Out Your Child's Talents and Appreciation for Art
- Mia Johnson
- Reviewed by Deborah Mervold
- Professional
- 1991 March
Teach Your Child to Read in 60 Days
- Sidney Ledson
- Reviewed by Robert W. Bruinsma
- Professional
- 1986 March
Teacher Book, Grade 1
- Reviewed by Howard Hurt
- Grade 1
- 1984 May
Teacher Book, Grade 2
- Reviewed by Howard Hurt
- Grade 2
- 1984 May
Teacher Book, Grade 3
- Reviewed by Howard Hurt
- Grade 3
- 1984
The Teacher and the Troublemaker
- Hal Altmann and Kay Crose
- Reviewed by Glenn DiPasquale
- Professional
- 1983 May
The Teacher's Daughter
- Richard B. Wright
- Reviewed by Boh Kinczyk
- Adult
- 1983 January
Teacher's Idea Package and Student Worksheets for I Am David
- Devra B. Freedman
- Reviewed by Grace E. Funk
- Professional
- 1984 September
Teacher's Idea Package and Student Worksheets for the Science Fiction Novels of Monica Hughes
- Devra B. Freedman
- Reviewed by Grace E. Funk
- Professional
- 1984 September
Teachers in Transition: Study of an Aging Teaching Force
- John P. Miller, Gilbert Taylor and Karen Walker
- Reviewed by Anna L. Holman
- Professional
- 1983 September
Teaching Electronics & Computing
- Reviewed by Jean Henderson
- Professional
- 1982 September
Teaching the Gifted, Challenging the Average
- Norah Maier (Edited by)
- Reviewed by Andrew Pope
- Professional
- 1982 November
The Teaching of Politics: Some Suggestions for Teachers
- Ken Osborne
- Reviewed by A. L. Florence
- Professional
- 1983 May
Teaching Poetry Writing to High School and College Students
- Bertie Jeffress Powell
- Reviewed by Sister Anne Leonard
- Professional
- 1983 January
Teaching Public Issues in a Canadian Context
- Donald C. Wilson (Edited by)
- Reviewed by Howard Hurt
- Professional
- 1983 May
Teaching Writing
- Jo Phenix
- Reviewed by Joanne K.A. Peters
- Professional
- 1991 March
Technology on the Old Frontier
- Dianne Newell
- Reviewed by R. Rennie
- Post-Secondary
- 1987 January
Tell Me Another: Storytelling and Reading Aloud at Home, at School,
and the Community
- Bob Barton
- Reviewed by Margaret Montgomery
- Professional
- 1986 September
The Temptation of Victor Galanti
- William Rowe
- Reviewed by Floyd Spracklin
- Post-secondary/Adult
- 1989 September
Television and Your Children
- Joseph R. Gladstone and Ginny Ouellet
- Reviewed by Joan McGrath
- Adult
- 1986 July
Telling the Tale
- Robin Skelton
- Reviewed by K. Broughton
- Grades 9 to 13
- 1988 January
Tell Me Another: Storytelling and Reading Aloud at Home, at School,
and the Community
- Bob Barton
- Reviewed by Margaret Montgomery
- Professional
- 1986 September
Tender Only to One
- Richard Taylor
- Reviewed by James Kingstone
- Grades 12 and up
- 1985 March
Tennis-Child's Play
- Josef Brabenec
- Reviewed by Marilyn Ming
- Professional, Parents
- 1982 November
- Elizabeth Alien
- Reviewed by Vivienne Denton
- Post-Secondary
- 1985 March
- Phyllis Gotlieb and Douglas Barbour (Edited by)
- Reviewed by R.G. Rennie
- Adult/Secondary
- 1988 September
That Old Gang of Mine
- Scott Young
- Reviewed by Paul E. Blower
- Adult
- 1983 May
That's Business... But is it Legal?
- Claire D. Bernstein
- Reviewed by Allan Kogon
- Grades 12 and up
- 1985 May
Theatre in French Canada: Laying the Foundations, 1606-1867
- Leonard E. Doucette
- Reviewed by Philip K. Harber
- Post-Secondary
- 1985 July
Theatre and Politics in Modern Quebec
- Elaine F. Nardocchio
- Reviewed by Louise Griffith
- Post-Secondary
- 1986 November
There's a Worm in My Apple
- Sheena Baker
- Reviewed by Mary Fallis
- Adult
- 1985 November
They Don't Make 'Em Like That Anymore: A Picture-History of Canadian Cars 1932-47
- John de Bondt
- Reviewed by Margaret MacLean
- Grades 12 and up
- 1988 March
They Have to Be Carefully Taught: a Handbook for Parents and Teachers of Young Children with Handcapping Conditions
- Jane R. Evans
- Reviewed by Glenn DiPasquale
- Professional
- 1982 November
They Will if We Let Them
- M. B. Wansbrough
- Reviewed by Glenn DiPasquale
- Professional
- 1982 November
The Third MacMillan Anthology
- John Metcalf and Kent Thompson (Edited by)
- Reviewed by Sharon A. McLennan McCue
- Adult
- 1990 September
Third-R Structures: The Math Reasearch Program in Primary Grades
- Otto Weininger
- Reviewed by Gail K. Lennon
- Professional
- 1992 May
The Third Story
- Robert J. Janes
- Reviewed by Leslie A. McGrath
- Adult
- 1983 July
This Unfriendly Soil: The Loyalist Experience in Nova Scotia, 1783-1791
- Neil MacKinnon
- Reviewed by Robert Nicholas Berard
- Post-Secondary
- 1987 March
This War is Closed Until Spring
- Charles Dennis
- Reviewed by John Mitchell
- Adult
- 1983 November
This Was Our Valley
- Earl K. Pollon and Shirlee Smith Matheson
- Reviewed by John Harkness
- Adult/Post-secondary
- 1990 March
This is a Yes: Concept Attainment
- Reviewed by Gail Lennon
- Professional
- 1992 September
Thomas McCullough: His Life and Times
- Marjory Whitelaw
- Reviewed by Adele Case
- Grades 12 and up
- 1985 November
Through the Sound of Many Voices: Writings Contributed on the Occasion of the 70th Birthday of W. Gunther Plaut
- Jonathan V. Plaut (Edited by)
- Reviewed by Ryma Kolodny
- Post-Secondary
- 1983 May
Thursday's Child: Trends and Patterns in Contemporary Children's Literature
- Sheila A. Egoff
- Reviewed by Grace E. Funk
- Professional
- 1982 September
Tiger in the Skull
- Douglas Lochhead
- Reviewed by Tony Cosier
- Post-Secondary
- 1987 January
Til All the Stars Have Fallen: Canadian Poems for Children
- David Booth
- Reviewed by Fran Newman
- For All Ages
- 1990 March
A Time for Judas
- Morley Callaghan
- Reviewed by C. H. Mountford
- Grades 12 and up
- 1984 January
Time Pressure
- Spider Robinson
- Reviewed by Melanie Fogel
- Adult
- 1988 March
The Time of Their Lives
- Wayne Johnston
- Reviewed by Susan Ratcliffe
- Adult
- 1988 July
Time for Tots: Library Service to Toddlers
- Virginia Van Vliet
- Reviewed by P.J. Hammel
- Adult
- 1988 March
Times of War and Peace: Dealing with Kids' Concerns
- Susan Goldberg
- Reviewed by Ruth Bainbridge
- Professional
- 1992 May
- Charlotte Vale Allen
- Reviewed by Barbara Egerer
- Adult
- 1986 September
Timothy Eaton and the Rise of His Department Store
- Joy Santink
- Reviewed by Jean Farquharson
- Grades 12 and up / Ages 17 and up
- 1990 September
To Die Ascending
- Peter Christensen
- Reviewed by Doug Watling
- Adult
- 1989 July
Toeing the Line: Women and Party Politics in English Canada
- Sylvia B. Bashevkin
- Reviewed by Ruth Rausa
- Post-Secondary
- 1986 January
Tolerable Levels of Violence
- Robert G. Collins
- Reviewed by Boh Kinczyk
- Adult
- 1984 May
Tomorrow's Classroom Today: Strategies for Creating Active Readers, Writers, and Thinkers
- Fay Brownlie, Susan Close, and Linda Wingren
- Reviewed by Gail K. Lennon
- Professional
- 1990 November
Toronto Restaurant Guide
- Joanna Kates
- Reviewed by Vivienne Denton
- Adult
- 1984 November
The Totem Carvers: Charles James, Ellen Neel, and Mungo Martin
- Phil Nuytten
- Reviewed by Adele Case
- Grades 11 and up
- 1984 May
Trackdown: The Search for the Mad Trapper
- Dick North
- Reviewed by Iyvan Michalchyshyn
- Post-secondary/Adult
- 1989 September
Trade Unions in Canada 1812-1902
- Eugene Forsey
- Reviewed by J. D. Ingram
- Post-Secondary
- 1983 January
Travelin Light: a Dozen Encounters
- Jim Christy
- Reviewed by Anne Locatelli
- Post-Secondary
- 1984 September
The True North Strong and Free?
- Mel Hurtig (Introduction by)
- Reviewed by Charles Ottosen
- Grades 12 and up
- 1988 November
The Truth About Herpes, Third Edition
- Stephen L. Sacks
- Reviewed by Ruth Bainbridge
- Grades 12 and Up
- 1989 January
Truth or Lies
- Frances Itani
- Reviewed by Esther Hutchinson
- Post-secondary/Adult
- 1989 September
Turn Off the Stars Before Leaving
- John C. Lindsay
- Reviewed by Mary Fallis
- Grades 12 and up
- 1984 September
The Twelfth Transforming
- Pauline Gedge
- Reviewed by Sharon Singer
- Adult
- 1985 May
Two Hugs for Survival: Strategies for Effective Parenting
- Harold A. Minden
- Reviewed by Glenn DiPasquale
- Professional, Parenting
- 1983 July
Two in the Bush and Other Stories
- Audrey Thomas
- Reviewed by Nadiya Blaine
- Adult
- 1982 September
Two Nations: an Essay on the Culture and Politics of Canada and Quebec in a World of American Pre-Eminence
- Susan Crean and Marcel Rioux
- Reviewed by Mary Fallis
- Post-Secondary
- 1984 March
Two Political Worlds: Parties and Voting in British Columbia
- Donald E. Blake
- Reviewed by Ruth Rausa
- Post-Secondary
- 1986 March
Two Voices
- Bruce Edmundson
- Reviewed by Kae Broughton
- Grades 12 and up
- 1987 November
The Tyrian Veil
- Kenneth Banks
- Reviewed by Sharon Singer
- Grades 12 and up
- 1984 September
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