Book Reviews by Age and Grade Level
Professional / Adult
Labyrinths of Voice: Conversations with Robert Kroetsch
- Robert Kroetsch
- Reviewed by Robert E. Wheeler
- Post-Secondary
- 1983 July
Ladies of the House
- Sandra Birdsell
- Reviewed by Nadiya Blaine
- Adult
- 1985 November
Ladybug, Ladybug...
- W.O. Mitchell
- Reviewed by Elaine Balpataky
- Adult
- 1989 March
The Lady Who Didn't Believe in Dinosaurs and Other Stories
- Frederic C. Ford
- Reviewed by Joan VanSickle Heaton
- Grades 12 and up
- 1985 September
Language in Education Among Canadian Native Peoples
- Barbara Burnaby
- Reviewed by Algis Tribinevicius
- Professional
- 1983 September
The Last Children of Schevenborn
- Gudrun Pausewang
- Reviewed by Joan McGraw
- Adult
- 1989 January
The Last of the Crazy People
- Timothy Findley
- Reviewed by Clare A. Darby
- Grades 10 and up
- 1984 September
The Last of the Golden Girls
- Susan Swan
- Reviewed by Gerri Young
- Adult
- 1990 January
Laws of Media
- Marshall McLuhan
- Reviewed by John Bainbridge
- Post-secondary/Adult
- 1989 May
Learning at a Distance and the New Technology
- Reviewed by Tom Colbens
- Professional
- 1983 May
Learning to Read Made Easy
- A. Motiar
- Reviewed by Gail Lennon
- Professional
- 1992 September
Learning Together
- Kathlene R. Willing and Suzanne Girard
- Reviewed by Jean Farquharson
- Professional
- 1991 March
Les Guides Tessier: Documents Sonores
- Services Documentaires
- Reviewed by Adele Ashby
- Professional
- 1991 January
Les Guides Tessier: Films et Videos de Fiction
- Services Documentaires
- Reviewed by Adele Ashby
- Professional
- 1991 January
Les Guides Tessier: Films et Videos Documentaires
- Services Documentaires
- Reviewed by Adele Ashby
- Professional
- 1991 January
Les Guides Tessier: Petits Medias
- Services Documentaires
- Reviewed by Adele Ashby
- Professional
- 1991 January
Let Me Play
- Elizabeth A. Munroe
- Reviewed by Gail Lennon
- Professional
- 1991 November
Letter to Marcia: A Teacher's Guide to Anti-Racist Education
- Enid Lee
- Reviewed by Lillian M. Turner
- Professional
- 1986 September
Letters in Canada 1980
- W. J. Keith and B. Z. Shek (Edited by)
- Reviewed by Pauline Burns
- Post-Secondary
- 1982 September
Letters of a Lifetime
- Susanna Moodie
- Reviewed by Joan Kerrigan
- Grades 12 and up
- 1986 May
The Letters of Thomas Chandler Haliburton
- Richard A. Davies (Edited by)
- Reviewed by Joan Kerrigan
- Post-secondary
- 1989 January
Letters From Windermere, 1912-1914
- Daisy Phillips
- Reviewed by Mary Fallis
- Grades 12 and up
- 1985 July
The Library/Classroom Connection
- Silvana Carletti, Suzanne Girard and Kathlene Willing
- Reviewed by Gail Lennon
- Adult/Professional
- 1992 March
The Life of Hope
- Paul Quarrington
- Reviewed by Jerry McDonnell
- Grades 12 and up
- 1986 January
Life of the Party
- Gérard Fortin and Boyce Richardson
- Reviewed by Howard Hurt
- Grades 12 and up
- 1986 May
Life Sentence: Poems and Journals 1976-1980
- Eli Mandel
- Reviewed by Tony Cosier
- Post-Secondary
- 1982 September
The Light in the Piazza
- Elizabeth Spencer
- Reviewed by Barbara J. Graham
- Adult
- 1986 July
Light Upon Light
- Nafisa Khan
- Reviewed by Kenneth Elliott
- Adult
- 1988 November
Like One that Dreamed: a Portrait of A. M. Klein
- Usher Caplan
- Reviewed by Tony Cosier
- Post-Secondary
- 1983 January
A Linen Crow, A Caftan Magpie
- Patrick Lane
- Reviewed by Tony Cosier
- Adult
- 1985 November
Link Science: A Hands-On Approach to the Environment
- The Nomad Scientists
- Reviewed by Edith Strocen
- Professional
- 1991 March
Listening, Speaking, Viewing and Doing
- Bill Moore
- Reviewed by Catherine MacDonnell
- Professional
- 1990 January
The Little Flowers of Madame De Montespan
- Jane Urquhart
- Reviewed by Vivienne Denton
- Post-Secondary
- 1984 September
A Live Bird in its Jaws
- Jeanne-Mance Delisle
- Reviewed by Gina Varty
- Adult
- 1993 September
A Local Hanging and Other Stories
- Kent Thompson
- Reviewed by Clare A. Darby
- Adult
- 1985 May
A Longitudinal Study of Thriving, Average, and Non-Thriving Kindergarten Children
- Andrew Biemiller
- Reviewed by Anna Holman
- Professional
- 1983 November
Look Ma... No Hands: an Affectionate Look at our Wonderful Tories
- Allan Fotheringham
- Reviewed by Chris Kempling
- Post-Secondary
- 1984 September
Looking Great: a Wardrobe Plan that Works
- Beverley Kelly
- Reviewed by Joyce Brown
- Adult
- 1983 May
Louis Robichaud: a Decade of Power
- Della M. M. Stanley
- Reviewed by Catherine R. Cox
- Grades 10 and up
- 1984 November
The Lost Salt Gift of Blood
- Alistair MacLeod
- Reviewed by Elaine Blakey
- Secondary/Adult
- 1990 May
Louis Dudek: A Biographical Introduction to His Poetry
- Susan Stromberg-Stein
- Reviewed by Alan Thomas
- Grades 12 and up
- 1986 January
Love and Hunger: Anthology of New Fiction
- Beverley Daurio (Edited by)
- Reviewed by M.R. Stirling
- Adult
- 1989 May
Love in the Temperate Zone
- L.R. Wright
- Reviewed by Margaret MacLean
- Adult
- 1988 July
Love Me, Love Me Not
- Claire Martin
- Reviewed by Catherine Creede
- Adult/Secondary
- 1988 November
The Love Song of Romeo Paquette
- Cecelia Frey
- Reviewed by Esther Hutchinson
- Adult
- 1991 January
Love in the Wintertime
- Don Gutteridge
- Reviewed by L. Maingon
- Adult
- 1991 September
Love You Forever
- Robert Munsch
- Reviewed by André Gagnon
- Grades K - Adult / Ages 5 and up
- 1987 March
Loving and Leaving
- Brenda Rabkin
- Reviewed by Joan McGrath
- Post-Secondary
- 1985 July
A Loving Legacy
- Eleanor Thomson
- Reviewed by Pamela Douglas
- Grades 11 and up
- 1988 January
Look! The Land is Growing Giants
- Joan Finnigan
- Reviewed by Jack Brown
- All Ages
- 1985 January
The Lucky Ones
- Donald Purcell
- Reviewed by Nadiya Blaine
- Adult
- 1986 July
Luk Mume Luk Dade I Kan Rit
- Una Villiers
- Reviewed by Donna Doyle
- Adult/Professional
- 1990 March
Lunches and Suppers With Schmecks Appeal
- Edna Staebler
- Reviewed by Pat Bolger
- Adult
- 1991 September
- Clark Blaise
- Reviewed by Joan VanSickle
- Adult
- 1984 January
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