Book Reviews by Age and Grade Level
Professional / Adult
Cafe le Dog: Stories
- Matt Cohen
- Reviewed by Joan VanSickle
- Grades 12 and up
- 1984 March
Cakes and Frostings With Schmecks Appeal
- Edna Staebler
- Reviewed by Pat Bolger
- Adult
- 1991 September
Call Back
- Sara Woods
- Reviewed by Elinor Kelly
- Grades 12 and up
- 1984 November
Cambodia: A Book for People Who Find Television Too Slow
- Brian Fawcett
- Reviewed by Vivienne Denton
- Adult
- 1987 November
Canada: 1900-1945
- Robert Bothwell
- Reviewed by Joan Kerrigan
- Grades 12 and up
- 1987 November
Canada, 1922-1939: Decades of Discord
- John Herd Thompson and Allen Seager
- Reviewed by Keith Wilson
- Grades 12 and up
- 1985 September
Canada, 1957-1967: The Years of Uncertainty and Innovation
- J.L. Granatstein
- Reviewed by Thomas F. Chambers
- Grade 12 and up
- 1986 July
Canada 1984: A Time of Transition Among Nations
- Brian W. Tomlin and Maureen Molot (Edited by)
- Reviewed by Thomas F. Chambers
- Grades 12 and up
- 1985 September
Canada Among Nations: A World of Conflict
- Maureen Appel Molot
- Reviewed by Charles Ottosen
- Post-Secondary
- 1989 January
Canada and the Birth of Israel: A Study in Canadian Foreign Policy
- David J. Bercuson
- Reviewed by John Harkness
- Grades 12 and up
- 1986 May
Canada: Land of Physical Diversity
- Doreen M. Tomkins
- Reviewed by Susan E. Fowler
- Professional
- 1983 July
Canada Learns to Play: The Emergence of Organized Sport, 1807-1914
- Alan Metcalfe
- Reviewed by John Mitchell
- Grades 12 and up
- 1987 July
Canada, My Canada: What Happened?
- Laurier L. LaPierre
- Reviewed by Louise Dick
- Post-secondary
- 1993 January
Canada and the New Constitution: the Unfinished Agenda, Volumer 1 and 2
- Reviewed by Robert Nicholas Bérard
- Post-Secondary
- 1984 September
Canada as a Principal Power: a Study of Foreign Policy and International Relations
- David B. Dewitt and John J. Kirton
- Reviewed by Louise Dick
- Post-Secondary
- 1983 September
Canada and the Reagan Challenge: Crisis in the Canadian-American Relationship
- Stephen Clarkson
- Reviewed by Keith Wilson
- Post-Secondary
- 1983 March
Canada's Cultural Industries: Broadcasting, Publishing, Records and Film
- Paul Audley
- Reviewed by Adèle Ashby
- Post-Secondary
- 1983 July
Canada's Economic Strategy
- James Lexer
- Reviewed by Don C. Barnett
- Post-Secondary
- 1982 November
Canada's First Nations: A History of Founding People from Earliest Times
- Olive Dickason
- Reviewed by David Chadwick
- Adult
- 1992 October
Canada's North: the Reference Manual
- Reviewed by Fred May
- Grades 11 and up
- 1984 May
Canada's Oil and the American Empire
- Ed Shaffer
- Reviewed by George Gereben
- Grades 12 and up
- 1983 September
Canada's Party of Socialism: History of the Communist Party of Canada 1921-1976
- Reviewed by David Remski
- Post-Secondary
- 1983 May
Canadian Books for Children: A Guide to Authors and Illustrators
- Jon Stott and Raymond Jones
- Reviewed by P.J. Hammel
- Professional
- 1989 May
Canadian Books for Young People/Livres Canadiens Pour La Jeunesse, 4th Edition
- André Gagnon and Ann Gagnon (Edited by)
- Reviewed by Ted Monkhouse
- 1988 November
Canadian Collections in Public Libraries
- Francess G. Halpenny
- Reviewed by Adele Ashby
- Professional
- 1986 July
Canadian Connections: Experiencing Literature with Children
- Ron Jobe and Paula Hart
- Reviewed by Gail Lennon
- Adult/Professional
- 1992 March
Canadian Curriculum Issues in Perspective (1970-1980)
- Patrick Babin
- Reviewed by Clare A. Darby
- Professional
- 1982 September
Canadian Do-It-Yourself: the Magazine for Handy People
- Reviewed by C. Naslund
- Grades 9 and up
- 1984 September
The Canadian Education Association 1957-1977
- Freeman K. Stewart
- Reviewed by Andrew Pope
- Professional
- 1982 November
Canadian Education in the 1980s
- J. Donald Wilson (Edited by)
- Reviewed by Robert Nicholas Bérard
- Professional
- 1982 September
Canadian Education: a Sociological Analysis
- Allan J. Macdonell and Wilfred B. W. Martin
- Reviewed by Robert Nicholas Bérard
- Post-Secondary
- 1983 July
The Canadian Entertainers of World War II
- W. Ray Stephens
- Reviewed by Irene Gordon
- Adult
- 1994 September
Canadian Ethnicity: the Politics of Meaning
- T. Aoki, J. Dahlie and W. Werner
- Reviewed by Susan Merrick
- Professional
- 1982 November
Canadian Fitness Sourcebook: Organizations and Resource Materials.
- Government of Canada
- Reviewed by Elizabeth Woodger
- Professional
- 1989 May
Canadian Poetry: Index to Criticism, 1970-1979/Poesie Canadienne: Index de Critiques, 1970-1979
- Phyllis Platnick
- Reviewed by Ted Monkhouse
- Professional
- 1985 November
Canadian Political Babble: A Cynic's Dictionary of Political Jargon
- David Olive
- Reviewed by Marsha Kaiserman
- Adult
- 1994 Jan/Feb
Canadian Politics: A Comparative Reader
- Ronald G. Landes
- Reviewed by Thomas F. Chambers
- Post-Secondary
- 1985 September
The Canadian Polity: a Comparative Introduction
- Ronald G. Landes
- Reviewed by David Remski
- Post-Secondary
- 1983 September
A Canadian Social Studies
- Geoff Milburn, Jim Parsons and Max van Manen (Edited by)
- Reviewed by Keith Wilson
- Professional
- 1984 November
Canadian Songbirds and Their Ways
- Jim Rising and Trudy Rising
- Reviewed by Elinor Kelly
- Post-Secondary
- 1983 January
The Canadian Symbols Kit
- Department of the Secretary of State
- Reviewed by Alma Webster
- All Grades
- 1987 July
The Canadian Writer's Guide
- Reviewed by Phyllis James
- Post-Secondary
- 1986 January
The Canadian Writer's Handbook
- William E. Messenger and Jan De Bruyn
- Reviewed by Mary Fallis
- Post-Secondary
- 1986 July
Canadian Writers and Their Works, Fiction Series, Vol. IV
- Edited by Robert Lecker, Jack David and Ellen Quigley
- Reviewed by L. Maingon
- Professional
- 1991 September
Canadian Writers and Their Works, Poetry Series, Vol. IV
- Edited by Robert Lecker, Jack David and Ellen Quigley
- Reviewed by Don Precosky
- Professional
- 1991 September
Canadian Writers and Their Works. Poetry Series: Volume Five
- Robert Lecker, Jack David and Ellen Quigley (Edited by)
- Reviewed by Alan Thomas
- Grades 12 and up
- 1986 July
Canadian Writers and Their Works, Poetry Series, Vol. VII
- Edited by Robert Lecker, Jack David and Ellen Quigley
- Reviewed by Alan Thomas
- Professional
- 1991 September
Canadian Writers and Their Works. Poetry Series: Volume Nine
- Robert Lecker, Jack David and Ellen Quigley (Edited by)
- Reviewed by Alan Thomas
- Grades 12 and up
- 1986 July
The Canadians
- Andrew H. Malcolm
- Reviewed by Catherine R. Cox
- Post-Secondary
- 1985 September
Canadians and Their Economy: Today, Yesterday, and Tomorrow
- Barry Lesser and Bruce Roald
- Reviewed by John D. Crawford
- Professional
- 1982 November
Canadide: A Patriotic Satire
- Eric Nicol
- Reviewed by Jim Delaney
- Adult
- 1984 January
The Canlit Foodbook
- Margaret Atwood (Compiled and illustrated by)
- Reviewed by Sharon A. McLennan McCue
- Adult
- 1988 July
Capital Tales
- Brian Fawcett
- Reviewed by Ruth Cosstick
- Grades 12 and up
- 1985 July
Career Information: a Bibliography of Publications About Careers in Canada
- James Huffman and Sybil Huffman
- Reviewed by Roger Lang
- Professional
- 1982 November
The Case of Valentine Shortis
- Martin L. Friedland
- Reviewed by E. Balpataky
- Post-Secondary
- 1987 March
CASNP Resource/Reading List
- Catherine Verrall
- Reviewed by Lillian M. Turner
- Professional
- 1983 September
Catchpenny Poems
- David Helwig
- Reviewed by Joan VanSickle
- Grades 12 and up
- 1984 September
Caught in Amber
- Leila Pepper
- Reviewed by Donalee Moulton-Barrett
- Grades 12 and up
- 1984 November
The Cave of Trophonius and Other Poems
- Francis Sparshott.
- Reviewed by Sister Anne Leonard
- Grades 12 and up
- 1984 November
Celebrating Canadian Women: Prose and Poetry By and About Women
- Edited by Greta Hofmann Nemiroff
- Reviewed by Pat Bolger
- Adult
- 1989 July
A Celebration
- Ludwig Zeller
- Reviewed by Wendy Carter
- Grades 12 and up
- 1988 March
Celestial Navigation: Poems
- Paulette Jiles
- Reviewed by Donalee Moulton-Barrett
- Grades 12 and up
- 1984 November
A Certain Mr. Takahashi
- Ann Ireland
- Reviewed by Catherine Creede
- Adult
- 1986 March
- Joe C.W. Armstrong
- Reviewed by Adele Case
- Adult
- 1988 May
The Changing of the Guard: How the Liberals Fell from Grace and the Tories Rose to Power
- Norman Snider
- Reviewed by Thomas F. Chambers
- Grades 12 and up
- 1985 November
Changing Patterns: Women in Canada
- Sandra Burt (Edited By)
- Reviewed by Catharine Joan MacDonnell
- Post-secondary
- 1989 January
Chain Her By One Foot: The Subjugation of Women in Seventeenth-Century New France
- Karen Anderson
- Reviewed by Donna J. Adrian
- Professional
- 1992 January
The Character of Class Struggle
- Bryan D. Palmer (Edited by)
- Reviewed by J.D. Ingram
- Post-Secondary
- 1987 January
- Janette Turner Hospital
- Reviewed by Barbara Camfield
- Adult/Secondary
- 1989 May
Charles Baillairge, Architect & Engineer
- Christina Cameron
- Reviewed by Jean Farquharson
- Post-secondary/Adult
- 1989 July
Charlie Farquharson, Yer Last Decadent
- Don Harron
- Reviewed by Jim Delaney
- Adult
- 1983 March
The Charter of Rights and the Legalization of Politics in Canada
- Michael Mandel
- Reviewed by Grace Shaw
- Post-secondary/Adult
- 1989 September
Chasing Her Own Tail
- Nora Keeling
- Reviewed by Sharon A. McLennan McCue
- Adult
- 1985 September
Check it Out! The Essential, Indespensable Guide to Children's Video
- Fiona Zippan and Doug Atkinson
- Reviewed by Christine Jacobs
- Adult / Professional
- 1994 March/April
The Childcare Crisis: The Real Costs of Daycare For You-And Your Child
- Fredelle Maynard
- Reviewed by donalee Moulton-Barrett
- Grades 12 and up
- 1985 November
Child Development: Readings for Teachers
- Claudio Violato and Anthony Marini
- Reviewed by Gail Lennon
- Professional
- 1990 March
The Child Hero in the Canadian Novel
- Theresia Quigley
- Reviewed by Kenneth Field
- Post-secondary
- 1992 September
Children First: Planning an Early Childhood Program
- Marie Innes
- Reviewed by Grace E. Funk
- Professional
- 1985 November
Children and Peacemaking
- Peace Education Resource Centre
- Reviewed by Maryleah Otto
- Professional
- 1992 October
Children's Choices of Canadian Books
- Jane Charlton
- Reviewed by Grace E. Funk
- Professional
- 1986 July
Children's Choices of Canadian Books, Vol III
- Margaret Caughey (Edited by)
- Reviewed by Sue Eases
- Professional
- 1984 November
China: Shockwaves
- Nancy-Gay Rotstein
- Reviewed by Elinor Kelly
- Adult
- 1988 January
Choosing Childrens' Books
- David Booth, Larry Swartz and Meguido Zola
- Reviewed by Adèle Ashby
- Professional
- 1989 May
The Choral Conductor's Art
- Earle Terry
- Reviewed by Kenneth Field
- Professional
- 1992 September
Chronicles of Pride: A Teacher Resource Guide
- Patricia Richardson Logie, Lila Burdett Kilroy and Valerie Overgaard
- Reviewed by Patricia Fry
- Professional
- 1992 May
The Circus Performers' Bar
- David Arnason
- Reviewed by Tony Cosier
- Post-Secondary
- 1985 September
City in the Making: Progress, People and Perils in Victorian Toronto
- F.H. Armostrong
- Reviewed by Adele Ashby
- Adult/Post-secondary
- 1989 May
Class Acts: Etiquette for Today
- Eve Drobot
- Reviewed by Caroline E. Young
- Post-Secondary
- 1984 November
Class Discussions for Teachers and Counsellors in Elementary School
- John A. B. Allan and Judith Nairne
- Reviewed by Glenn DiPasquale
- Professional
- 1984 November
Classification of Living Things: a Teacher's Manual for General Level Program Development Grades 7 and 8
- Allan M. MacKinnon, Rosemary Mwazwita Mundangepfupfu and Douglas A. Roberts
- Reviewed by Peter Freeman
- Professional
- 1984 September
Classroom Talk
- Edited by David Booth and Carol Thornley-Hall
- Reviewed by Gail Lennon
- Professional
- 1991 October
Close Pursuit
- Carsten Stround
- Reviewed by Ted Monkhouse
- Adult
- 1987 September
Cocktails at the Mausoleum
- Susan Musgrave
- Reviewed by Vivienne Denton
- Post-Secondary
- 1985 November
Cold Heaven: A Novel
- Brian Moore
- Reviewed by Boh Kinczyk
- Adult
- 1983 November
The Collected Longer Poems, 1947-1977
- Robin Skelton
- Reviewed by Vivienne Denton
- Post-Secondary
- 1986 September
Collected Poems
- Miriam Waddington
- Reviewed by Pat Bolger
- Grades 12 and up
- 1986 September
Collected Poems: Volume Six, 1984-86
- Raymond Souster
- Reviewed by Pat Bolger
- Adult/Secondary
- 1989 May
Colloquium on French as a Second Language: Proceedings
- Toronto Ministry of Education
- Reviewed by Kenneth A. Elliott
- Professional
- 1984 November
Colombo's Canadiana Quiz Book
- John Robert Colombo
- Reviewed by Adèle
- Grades 4 and up
- 1984 January
The Color of Blood
- Brian Moore
- Reviewed by Barbara J. Graham
- Adult
- 1988 March
A Comedy of Eros
- Virgil Burnett
- Reviewed by Patrick Dunn
- Adult
- 1985 July
Come Good Rain
- George Seremba
- Reviewed by Melanie Fogel
- Adult
- 1994 September
- Dan Hill
- Reviewed by Sue Easun
- Grades 12 and up
- 1984 May
Coming Attractions
- Sheila Delaney, Frances Itani and Judith Pond
- Reviewed by Anne Locatelli
- Grades 12 and up
- 1986 May
Coming Attractions
- Edited by Maggie Helwig and Bronwen Wallace
- Reviewed by Esther Hutchinson
- Post-secondary/Adult
- 1990 March
Coming Attractions 5
- David Helwig and Maggie Helwig (Edited by)
- Reviewed by E.G. Robson
- Adult
- 1988 July
Coming Attractions 91
- Edited by Douglas Glover & Maggie Helwig
- Reviewed by David Chadwick
- Adult
- 1992 March
Coming for to Carry
- Lorris Elliott
- Reviewed by Philip K. Harber
- Adult
- 1983 May
Coming Through Slaughter
- Michael Ondaatje
- Reviewed by George Seibel
- Adult
- 1983 May
Coming up for Air
- Lesley Choyce
- Reviewed by Jerry McDonnell
- Adult/Secondary
- 1989 March
Common Threads: ESL III, Hugh John MacDonald School
- Reviewed by Arne Handley
- Grades 4 and up, ESL
- 1984 March
The Communications Lab: a Strategy to Improve Self-Concept and Interpersonal Skills
- Reviewed by Glenn DiPasquale
- Professional
- 1984 May
A Companion to Under the Volcano
- Chris Ackerley and Lawrence J. Clipper
- Reviewed by Alan Thomas
- Grades 12 and up
- 1985 July
The Complete Good Dining Guide to Greater Vancouver Restaurants
- Cyril Belshaw
- Reviewed by Pia Christiansen
- Adult
- 1985 September
The Completely Collapsible Portable Man: Selected Shorter Lyrics
- J. Michael Yates
- Reviewed by Pamela Black
- Grades 12 and up
- 1985 July
- Susan Glickman
- Reviewed by Donalee Moulton-Barrett
- Adult
- 1984 May
A Comprehensive Bibliography of English-Canadian Short Stories, 1950-1983
- Allan Weiss
- Reviewed by Ted Monkhouse
- Professional
- 1990 May
Computers in Ontario Education: Report of the Pilot School Projects
- Toronto Ministry of Education
- Reviewed by William F. Benson
- Professional
- 1984 November
Computers in the School: a Guide for Planning
- Ronald G. Ragsdale
- Reviewed by Jean Farquharson
- Professional
- 1983 September
Concha and Rezanov
- Catherine Ahearn
- Reviewed by Barbara J. Graham
- Adult
- 1988 November
Connections: Paperback Reading for Young People
- Fay Blostein
- Reviewed by Ted Monkhouse
- Professional
- 1989 May
Connexions for Social Change: A Digest of Resources and Groups
- Reviewed by Sharon A. McLennan McCue
- Grades 12 and up
- 1985 July
The Consolidation of Capitalism 1896-1929
- Michael S. Cross and Gregory S. Kealey (Edited by)
- Reviewed by Paul E. Blower
- Post-Secondary
- 1984 May
Construction Geometry
- Brian Walmsley
- Reviewed by P. F. Chernoff
- Grades 12 and up
- 1984 January
Contemporary Canadian Theatre: New World Visions
- Anton Wagner (Edited by)
- Reviewed by Thea Todd
- Grades 12 and up
- 1986 January
Contours of Canadian Thought
- A.B. McKiltop
- Reviewed by Joan Kerrigan
- Grades 12 and up
- 1988 March
Cooperative Education for Technical Studies
- Hank Froese
- Reviewed by Margaret MacLean
- Professional
- 1986 September
Coping With Attention Deficit Disorder: A Guide For Parents and Teachers
- Mary Ellen Beugin
- Reviewed by Gail K. Lennon
- Professional
- 1991 May
Coping With Junior High Guidance: A Resource Book for Teachers and Counsellors
- Margaret A. Urquhart
- Reviewed by Susan Ratcliffe
- Professional
- 1986 July
Copyright: Proceedings of the Workshop Held at the Annual Conference of the Canadian Library Association, June 7, 1984, Toronto, Ontario
- Francoise Hébert (Edited by)
- Reviewed by Ted Monkhouse
- Professional
- 1985 November
The Cost of Living
- Kenneth Radu
- Reviewed by Katheryn Broughton
- Adult/Secondary
- 1989 January
Courtship in Canada: The New Frontier
- Lili R. Bartoetti and Mario D. Bartoletti
- Reviewed by Kenneth A. Elliott
- Post-Secondary
- 1986 January
The Cowards
- Josef Skvorecky
- Reviewed by Frank Loreto
- Grades 12 and up
- 1986 May
Craft Slices
- George Bowering
- Reviewed by Robert E. Wheeler
- Grades 12 and up
- 1986 May
The Craft of student Evaluation in Canada
- Leslie D. McLean
- Reviewed by Joan McGrath
- Professional
- 1986 May
The Creating Word: Papers From an International Conference on the Learning and Teaching of English in the 1980s
- Patricia Demers (Edited by)
- Reviewed by S. Keith Ward
- Professional
- 1986 May
Creative Still Life Photography
- Bruce Pendleton
- Reviewed by Ken Stagg
- Post-Secondary
- 1983 May
Cries of Victims-Voice of God
- Remi J. De Roo
- Reviewed by Kenneth A. Elliott
- Post-Secondary
- 1986 July
The Crime of Ovide Plouffe
- Roger Lemelin
- Reviewed by Anne Locatelli
- Post-Secondary
- 1985 March
Crocus Hill Notebook
- Garry Jones
- Reviewed by Gail Lennon
- Professional
- 1991 September
Cross/Cut: Contemporary English Quebec Poetry
- Edited by Ken Norris and Peter Van Toorn
- Reviewed by Philip K. Harber
- Grades 12 and up
- 1984 March
Cruise Ships: the Inside Story
- Gary Bannerman
- Reviewed by David J. Young
- Adult
- 1983 May
Cultural Ambassadors: Monitors in Core-French Classes
- Vincent A. Gaudino, Leslie E. McLean and Ross E. Traub
- Reviewed by Adele L. Massena
- Professional
- 1983 September
Curriculum Canada II
- Jean-Jacques Bernier and George S. Tomkins (Edited by)
- Reviewed by Peter Sahar
- Professional
- 1983 May
Curriculum Canada III
- Andrew Hughes and Kenneth Leithwood (Edited by)
- Reviewed by Robert Nicholas Bérard
- Professional
- 1982 November
Curriculum Planning for the Classroom
- F. Michael Connelly, Albert S. Dukacz and Frank Quinlan
- Reviewed by Clare Darby
- Professional
- 1982 November
Custom Combining on the Great Plains
- Thomas Isern
- Reviewed by Walter Kalyn
- Post-Secondary
- 1982 November
The Cutting Season
- Margaret Clarke
- Reviewed by Margaret S. MacLean
- Grades 12 and up
- 1985 July
Cutting Through
- Keith Maillard
- Reviewed by David J. Young
- Adult
- 1983 May
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