Book Reviews by Age and Grade Level
Grades 10 and up
Ladybug, Ladybug...
- W.O. Mitchell
- Reviewed by Elaine Balpataky
- Adult
- 1989 March
The Lady Who Didn't Believe in Dinosaurs and Other Stories
- Frederic C. Ford
- Reviewed by Joan VanSickle Heaton
- Grades 12 and up
- 1985 September
Lady With Chains
- Roch Carrier
- Reviewed by Chris Kempling
- Grades 12 and up
- 1985 January
The Lady's Maid
- Nella Benson
- Reviewed by Joan McGrath
- Grades 10 and up
- 1982 November
Laird of the West
- John W. Chalmers
- Reviewed by Frank Karas
- Grades 11 and up
- 1982 September
Land of Earth and Sky: Landscape Painting of Western Canada
- Ronald Rees
- Reviewed by Walter Kalyn
- Grades 9 and up
- 1985 September
The Land of Lost Content: A History of Cuso
- Ian Smillie
- Reviewed by Algis Tribinevicius
- Grades 12 and up
- 1986 July
The Last Children of Schevenborn
- Gudrun Pausewang
- Reviewed by Joan McGraw
- Adult
- 1989 January
The Last of the Crazy People
- Timothy Findley
- Reviewed by Clare A. Darby
- Grades 10 and up
- 1984 September
Last of the Curlews
- Fred Bodsworth
- Reviewed by Pat Bolger
- Grades 7 and up / Ages 12 and up
- 1992 January
The Last Great Frontiersman: the Remarkable Adventures of Tom Lamb
- Leland Stowe
- Reviewed by Gerri Young
- Grades 11 and up
- 1984 March
Last Makings
- Earle Birney
- Reviewed by Alan Thomas
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1991 November
The Last Map is the Heart: An Anthology
- Edited by Paddy O'Rourke, et al.
- Reviewed by Catherine R. Cox
- Grades 9 and up / Ages 14 and up
- 1990 January
Last Message to Berlin: A Novel
- Philippe Van Rjndt
- Reviewed by Ron Jaques
- Grades 11 and up
- 1985 January
The Last Tasmanian
- Curtis Herb
- Reviewed by Katheryn Broughton
- Grades 11 and up / Ages 16 and up
- 1992 September
The Latest Morningside Papers
- Peter Gzowski
- Reviewed by Joan McGrath
- Grades 12 and up / Ages 17 and up
- 1990 March
Latin is Alive and Well: A Handbook for Students
- B. C. Taylor
- Reviewed by Louise Dick
- Grades 9 and up
- 1984 January
Laurier, The First Canadian
- Joseph Schull
- Reviewed by Jerry McDonnell
- Grades 11 and up
- 1987 July
The Lawn Jockey
- Aislin
- Reviewed by Warner Winter
- Grades 9 and up / Ages 14 and up
- 1990 March
Laws of Emotion
- Alison Lohans
- Reviewed by Judy Baxter
- Grades 9 and up/Ages 14 and up
- 1993 October
Layton Reads Layton
- Irving Layton
- Reviewed by Sharon Singer
- Grades 11 and up
- 1984 May
Leacock: A Biography
- Albert Moritz and Theresa Moritz
- Reviewed by Joan McGrath
- Grades 10 and up
- 1985 September
Lean Wind, Lean: A Few Times Remembered
- David Walker
- Reviewed by James Kingstone
- Grades 10 and up
- 1985 May
Learn to Type: Completely New, Easy Method for Beginners
- Barbara Aliaga
- Reviewed by E. C. Beard
- Grades 9 and up
- 1983 May
Learning From Our History: Community Development by Immigrant Women in Ontario, 1958-1986. A Tool For Action
- Tania Das Gupta
- Reviewed by Lois Hird
- Grades 10 and up
- 1987 July
Learning a Living in Canada, Volume 1: Background and Perspectives
- Reviewed by Roger Lang
- Grades 9 and up
- 1984 May
Learning a Living in Canada, Volume 2: Policy Options for the Nation
- Reviewed by Roger Lang
- Grades 9 and up
- 1984 May
Learning Strategies and Examination Preparation
- Joe J. Danyluk
- Reviewed by JoAnna B. Patton
- Grades 9 and up
- 1986 January
The Legacy
- Claire Martin
- Reviewed by Margaret MacLean
- Grades 12 and up
- 1986 September
Legacy: The Natural History of Ontario
- Edited by John Theberge
- Reviewed by Elinor Kelly
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1990 January
A Legionnaire's Journey
- Leslie Aparvary
- Reviewed by Jean Farquharson
- Grades 9 and up / Ages 14 and up
- 1990 January
Lemon-Aid: Used Car Guide 1982: Best Buys, Lemons, Confidential Prices, Rusting Diagrams
- Phil Edmonston
- Reviewed by Donna Kenwell
- Grades 10 and up
- 1982 November
Leopard in the Afternoon: An African Tenting Safari
- Christopher Ondaatje
- Reviewed by Barbara Camfield
- Grades 6 and up / Ages 11 and up
- 1990 January
Les Grandes Confidances
- Jean-Marie Poupart
- Reviewed by Patricia Cooper
- Grades 7 and up / Ages 12 and up
- 1992 January
Lessons From the Past: From Dief to Mulroney
- Heward Grafftey
- Reviewed by Neil V. Payne
- Grades 10 and up
- 1987 September
Les Yeux D'Emeraude
- Denis Cote
- Reviewed by Lou-Ann Layton
- Grades 7 and up/Ages 12 and up
- 1992 May
Let's Die Living: Exploring the World With CESO
- Vivienne Clarke
- Reviewed by Anne Locatelli
- Grades 10 and up
- 1984 May
Let's Hear It For Them
- Charles Noble
- Reviewed by Ian Dempsey
- Grades 12 and up / Ages 17 and up
- 1991 March
Let's Play Ball! Inside the Perfect Game
- William Humber
- Reviewed by Walter Kalyn
- Grades 8 and up / Ages 13 and up
- 1989 July
The Letter
- Gunther W. Plaut
- Reviewed by Joan McGrath
- Grades 12 and up
- 1986 November
Letters from a Lady Rancher
- Monica Hopkins
- Reviewed by Elaine Atwood
- Grades 9 and up
- 1983 March
Letters from a Young Emigrant in Manitoba
- Edward ffolkes
- Reviewed by Patrick Wright
- Grades 11 and up
- 1982 November
Letters Home 1859-1906
- William Blair Bruce
- Reviewed by Carrie Gardner
- Grades 10 and up
- 1983 May
Letters of a Businessman to His Daughter
- G. Kingsley Ward
- Reviewed by David Chadwick
- Grades 9 and up / Ages 14 and up
- 1989 July
Letters of a Lifetime
- Susanna Moodie
- Reviewed by Joan Kerrigan
- Grades 12 and up
- 1986 May
Letters From Windermere, 1912-1914
- Daisy Phillips
- Reviewed by Mary Fallis
- Grades 12 and up
- 1985 July
Let Us Rise!: A History of the Manitoba Labour Movement
- Doug Smith
- Reviewed by Ron Rennie
- Grades 10 and up
- 1986 January
Liberation Deferred&: the Ideas of the English Canadian Suffragists, 1877-1918
- Carol Lee Bacchi
- Reviewed by donalee Moulton-Barrett
- Grades 12 and up
- 1983 May
- Edited by John Russell
- Reviewed by John Bainbridge
- Grades 11 and up / Ages 16 and up
- 1990 May
Life Before Stratford: The Memoirs of Amelia Hall
- Edited by Diane Mew
- Reviewed by Louise Dick
- Grades 9 and up / Ages 14 and up
- 1990 May
Life Career Planning: Reaching for Your Future
- David Studd
- Reviewed by Alma Webster
- Grades 9-12
- 1986 January
Life in the Clearings
- Susanna Moodie
- Reviewed by Joanne Peters
- Grades 11 and up / Ages 16 and up
- 1989 November
Life Insurance and You: a Handbook for Consumer Protection
- William E. McLeod
- Reviewed by Dennis Nosyk
- Grades 12 and up
- 1982 September
Life Math 3
- Reviewed by Andrew Pope
- Grades 9-11
- 1983 January
The Life of Hope
- Paul Quarrington
- Reviewed by Jerry McDonnell
- Grades 12 and up
- 1986 January
Life of the Party
- Gérard Fortin and Boyce Richardson
- Reviewed by Howard Hurt
- Grades 12 and up
- 1986 May
The Life of a River
- Andy Russell
- Reviewed by Mary Fallis
- Grades 9 and up
- 1988 July
Life of the Party: The Memoirs of Eddie Goodman
- Eddie Goodman
- Reviewed by Thomas F. Chambers
- Grades 10 and up/Ages 15 and up
- 1989 May
Life, Love and Unions
- Helen Potrebenko
- Reviewed by Barbara J. Graham
- Grades 11 and up
- 1988 May
Life's Odd Moments
- Stuart Trueman
- Reviewed by Lillian M. Turner
- Grades 11 and up
- 1985 March
Light of Burning Towers
- Gary Geddes
- Reviewed by Ian Dempsey
- Grades 11 and up / Ages 16 and up
- 1990 November
Lightfoot: If You Could Read His Mind
- Maynard Collins
- Reviewed by Jean Farqueharson
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1989 September
The Listeners
- George McWhirter
- Reviewed by Ellen Robson
- Grades 7 and up / Ages 12 and up
- 1991 October
A Literacy and Linguistic History of New Brunswick
- Reavley Gair (Edited by)
- Reviewed by Ruth Cosstick
- Grades 12 and up
- 1986 September
Literary Lapses
- Stephen Leacock
- Reviewed by Pat Bolger
- Grades 7 and up / Ages 12 and up
- 1989 September
A Little Wilderness: the Natural History of Toronto
- Bill Ivy
- Reviewed by Hugh A. Cook
- All Ages
- 1983 November
The Liveable City: the Architecture and Neighbourhoods of Toronto
- Leon Whiteson
- Reviewed by Joan McGrath
- Grades 10 and up
- 1983 May
The Lively Spirits of Provence
- Jamie Brown
- Reviewed by Elvira D. Gosselin
- Grades 9 and up
- 1982 November
Lives of the Princesses of Wales
- Arthur Bousfield, Mary Beacock Fryer and Garry Toffoli
- Reviewed by Janet E. Goldack
- Grades 9 and up
- 1984 May
Living the Part: John Drainie and the Dilemma of Canadian Stardom
- Bronwyn Drainie
- Reviewed by Louise Griffith
- Grades 11 and up
- 1989 January
The Living Past of Montréal
- Eric McLean
- Reviewed by Melanie Fogel
- Grades 5 and up / Ages 10 and up
- 1994 May/June
Local Boy Makes Good: Three Musicals by John Gray
- John Gray
- Reviewed by Bessie Egan
- Grades 9 and up
- 1989 January
The Logger's Digest: From Horses to Helicopters
- Barry Coulson
- Reviewed by Adele Case
- Grades 7 and up/ Ages 12 and up
- 1993 May
The Long Distance Feeling: a History of the Telecommunications Workers Union
- Elaine Bernard
- Reviewed by John D. Crawford
- Grades 11 and up
- 1983 May
Long Lance: the True Story of an Imposter
- Donald B. Smith
- Reviewed by Frank Karas
- Grades 10 and up
- 1982 November
A Long and Lonely Ride
- Helen Fogwell Porter
- Reviewed by Barbara Camfield
- Grades 9 and up / Ages 14 and up
- 1991 September
A Long Night of Death
- Alberto Balcarce
- Reviewed by E. Robson
- Grades 12 and up
- 1987 March
The Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne
- Brian Moore
- Reviewed by Donna Doyle
- Grades 10 and up
- 1989 January
The Long Road Home: the Autobiography of a Canadian Soldier in World War II
- Fred Cederberg
- Reviewed by Alfred F. Greenwood
- Grades 11 and up
- 1984 November
- Reuven P. Bulka
- Reviewed by Ruth Rausa
- Grades 9 and up
- 1985 July
Looking for Livingstone: An Odyssey of Silence
- Marlene Nourbese Philip
- Reviewed by donalee Moulton
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1992 March
Look! The Land is Growing Giants
- Joan Finnigan
- Reviewed by Jack Brown
- All Ages
- 1985 January
Lost Toronto: Images of the City's Past
- William Dendy
- Reviewed by Marsha Kaiserman
- Grades 11 and up/Ages 16 and up
- 1993 October
A Lot to Make Up For
- John Buell
- Reviewed by Patricia J. Cooper
- Grades 11 and up / Ages 16 and up
- 1990 November
Lotfi Mansouri and Operatic Life
- Lotfi Mansouri
- Reviewed by Bessie Condos
- Grades 11 and up
- 1983 May
Lotions, Potions and Liniments Pure: a Look at the Drug Trade in Winnipeg in the 1900s
- Joseph E. Wilder
- Reviewed by A. L. Florence
- Grades 12 and up
- 1983 September
Lotta and the Unitarian Service Committee Story
- Clyde Sanger
- Reviewed by Louise Dick
- Grades 10 and up
- 1986 July
Louis Dudek: A Biographical Introduction to His Poetry
- Susan Stromberg-Stein
- Reviewed by Alan Thomas
- Grades 12 and up
- 1986 January
Louis Riel
- Rosemary Neering
- Reviewed by Gerri Young
- Grades 7-10/Ages 12-15
- 1993 September
Louis Robichaud: a Decade of Power
- Della M. M. Stanley
- Reviewed by Catherine R. Cox
- Grades 10 and up
- 1984 November
Louisbourg Portraits: Life in an Eighteenth-Century Garrison Town
- Christopher Moore
- Reviewed by Robert Nicholas Bérard
- Grades 11 and up
- 1983 January
Love in Flight
- Gregory M. Cook
- Reviewed by Tony Cosier
- Grades 9 and up
- 1986 May
Love and Salt Water
- Ethel Wilson
- Reviewed by Catherine R. Cox
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1991 March
Love and Whiskey
- Betty Lee
- Reviewed by Marion Mintis
- Grades 12 and up
- 1983 September
Love You Forever
- Robert Munsch
- Reviewed by André Gagnon
- Kindergarten-Adult / Ages 5 and up
- 1987 March
The Loved and the Lost
- Morley Callaghan
- Reviewed by Boh Kinczyk
- Grades 11 and up
- 1984 May
Love's Sweet Return: The Harlequin Story
- Margaret Ann Jensen
- Reviewed by Valerie Hudson
- Grades 11 and up
- 1985 January
A Loving Legacy
- Eleanor Thomson
- Reviewed by Pamela Douglas
- Grades 11 and up
- 1988 January
The Loyal Americans: the Military Role of the Loyalist Provincial Corps and Their Settlement in British North American, 1775-1784
- Reviewed by Jack Brown
- Grades 9 and up
- 1983 November
The Loyalist Governor: Biography of Sir John Wentworth
- Brian C. Cuthbertson
- Reviewed by Robert Nicholas Bérard
- Grades 11 and up
- 1984 March
The Loyalists: Revolution, Exile, Settlement
- Christopher Moore
- Reviewed by Robert Nicholas Berard
- Grades 11 and up
- 1985 July
The Luck of Ginger Coffey
- Brian Moore
- Reviewed by Jerry McDonnell
- Grades 11 and up
- 1989 January
Lumbering Songs from the Northern Woods
- Edith Fowke
- Reviewed by Mollie Hooper
- Grades 10 and up
- 1986 May
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