Book Reviews by Age and Grade Level
Grades 10 and up
M. Mabel Bell: Alexander's Silent Partner
- Lilias Toward
- Reviewed by Marion Mintis
- Grades 10 and up
- 1985 March
Maddened by Mystery: a Casebook of Canadian Detective Fiction
- Michael Richardson (Edited by)
- Reviewed by Jean Keenan
- Grades 9 and up
- 1983 March
Made in Canada: Economics for Canadians
- James D. Thexton
- Reviewed by Alma Webster
- Grades 10 and up
- 1982 September
Made in Manitoba: 22 Great Canadian Stories
- Wayne Tefs (Compiled by)
- Reviewed by Katheryn Broughton
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1990 September
The Magic Amethyst
- Miriam Goldman
- Reviewed by Gail Lennon
- Grades 10 and up/Ages 15 and up
- 1989 May
Magic Animals: Selected Poetry
- Gwendolyn MacEwen
- Reviewed by Pat Bolger
- Grades 11 and up
- 1985 January
The Magic of Linen: Flax Seed to Woven Cloth
- Linda Heinrich
- Reviewed by Christine Buchanan
- Grades 9 and up / Ages 14 and up
- 1993 March
The Magnetic North
- Mike Beedell
- Reviewed by Robin Lewis
- Grades 9 and up
- 1984 May
The Magpie Summer
- Judith Wright
- Reviewed by Anne Davidson
- Grades 8-11 / Ages 13-16
- 1992 November
Major Canadian Authors
- David Stouck
- Reviewed by Joanne Peters
- Grades 12 and up / Ages 17 and up
- 1990 May
A Majority of One: The Life and Times of Lewis St. George Stubbs
- Lewis St. George Stubbs
- Reviewed by A.L. Florence
- Grades 10 and up
- 1985 May
The Make-Your-Own-Button Book
- Andrea Wayne-von Königslöw and Linda Granfield
- Reviewed by Brenda Partridge
- Grades 1 and up / Ages 6 and up
- 1994 May/June
Making a Difference: A Guide for Volunteering For Canadian Youth
- Val Adolph and Valerie Ahwee
- Reviewed by Irene Gordon
- Grades 11 and up / Ages 16 and up
- 1990 September
Making the Grade: What You Need to Know About How to Prepare for and Write Tests
- Patrick Grassick
- Reviewed by Don Levy
- Grades 10 and up
- 1984 January
Making It: Black Youth, Racism and Career Aspirations In a Big City
- Carl E. James
- Reviewed by Ellen Robson
- Grades 12 and up / Ages 17 and up
- 1991 March
Making Movies
- David Halliday
- Reviewed by Boh Kinczyk
- Grades 12 and up
- 1984 March
Making Sense: a Student's Guide to Writing and Style
- Margot Northey
- Reviewed by Robert W. Bruinsma
- Grades 12 and up
- 1983 November
Making Your Money Grow: A Canadian Guide to Successful Perosonal Finance
- Henry B. Zimmer
- Reviewed by David Chadwick
- Grades 9 and up/ Ages 14 and up
- 1989 May
The Maladjusted Jungle
- Allix Hereward
- Reviewed by Alison Mews
- Grades 6 and up / Ages 11 and up
- 1991 September
Malcom Lowry: Vancouver Days
- Shay Salloum
- Reviewed by Jean Farquharson
- Grades 12 and up
- 1987 September
Malice in Blunderland or How the Grits Stole Christmas
- Allan Fotheringham
- Reviewed by Mary Fallis
- Grades 12 and up
- 1983 May
Mammals of the Canadian Wild
- Adrian Forsyth
- Reviewed by Elaine Balpatasky
- Grades 9 and up
- 1986 May
Man At Stellaco River
- Andrew Wreggitt
- Reviewed by Tony Cosier
- Grades 11 and up
- 1985 November
Man Descending
- Guy Vanderhaeghe
- Reviewed by Boh Kinczyk
- Grades 12 and up
- 1982 November
The Man Who Built Churches
- Edited and illustrated by Peter Brock
- Reviewed by Val K. Lem
- Grades 11 and up / Ages 16 and up
- 1991 March
Managing Just Fine
- Joan Fern Shaw
- Reviewed by Janice Vaudry
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1991 October
- Liliane Welch
- Reviewed by Tony Cosier
- Grades 9 and up
- 1986 September
Maple Leaf Rag: Travels Across Canada
- Stephen Brook
- Reviewed by Marc Shaw
- Grades 11 and up
- 1988 January
Maple Leaf Route: Caen
- Terry Cropp and Robert Vogel
- Reviewed by Neil Payne
- Grades 12 and up
- 1983 September
Maple Leaf Route: Victory 5th Vol.
- Terry Copp and Robert Vogel
- Reviewed by J.D. Ingram
- Grades 10 and up
- 1989 January
The Maps of Canada
- N. L. Nicholson and L. M. Sebert
- Reviewed by Robin Lewis
- Grades 11 and up
- 1983 January
Mar: A Glimpse into the Natural Life of a Bird
- Louise de Kiriline Lawrence
- Reviewed by Elinor Kelly
- Grades 12 and up
- 1986 November
Marching to Armageddon: Canadians and the Great War 1914-1919
- Desmond Morton and J.L. Granatstein
- Reviewed by J.D. Ingram
- Grades 11 and up / Ages 16 and up
- 1989 September
Margaret Atwood: A Feminist Poetics
- Frank Davey
- Reviewed by Alan Thomas
- Grades 12 and up
- 1985 September
Margaret Atwood: Conversations
- Earl Ingersoll
- Reviewed by Alan Thomas
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1990 November
Maria B.
- Marion Andre
- Reviewed by Anne Kelly
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1991 March
Mariaagelas: Maria, Daughter of Gelas
- Antonine Maillet
- Reviewed by Barbara J. Graham
- Grades 12 and up
- 1986 November
- Claude Jasmin
- Reviewed by Frank Loreto
- Grades 12 and up
- 1986 January
Mario Lemieux, Hockey's Gentle Giant
- Jean Sonmor
- Reviewed by Michael Freeman
- Grades 7 and up / Ages 12 and up
- 1990 January
The Maritime Provinces Atlas
- Robert J. McCalla
- Reviewed by Jon Wright
- Grades 9 and up / Ages 14 and up
- 1992 March
Mary Belle Barclay: Founder of Canadian Hostelling
- Evelyn Edgeller
- Reviewed by Katheryn Hanson
- Grades 10 and up
- 1989 March
Master and Maid: The Charles Massey Murder
- Frank Jones
- Reviewed by Brenda Watson
- Grades 11 and up
- 1986 January
The Master of Strappado
- Negovan Rajic
- Reviewed by Tony Cosier
- Grades 11 and up
- 1985 July
Masterpieces of Canadian Art From the National Gallery of Canada
- David Burnett
- Reviewed by Brenda Reed
- Grades 8 and up / Ages 13 and up
- 1991 January
Math Applications for Technical Trades
- Roy H. Graham
- Reviewed by E. C. Beard
- Grades 9 and up
- 1983 September
A Matter of Trust: Power and Privilege in Canada's Trust Companies
- Patricia Best and Ann Shortell
- Reviewed by David Chadwick
- Grades 10 and up
- 1986 March
Max: the Best of Braithwaite
- Max Braithwaite
- Reviewed by Elaine Balpataky
- Grades 10 and up
- 1984 March
Maxwell's Train
- Christopher Hyde
- Reviewed by Jerry McDonnell
- Grades 12 and up
- 1985 March
Mayors of Toronto, Volume 1, 1834-1899
- Victor L. Russell
- Reviewed by John Harkness
- Grades 9 and up
- 1982 November
Mazo de la Roche: The Hidden Life
- Joan Givner
- Reviewed by Louise Reimer
- Grades 11 and up / Ages 16 and up
- 1989 September
McClure: A Play in Two Acts
- Munroe Scott
- Reviewed by Louise Griffith
- Grades 9 and up / Ages 14 and up
- 1989 July
Mean Business: The Creation of Shawn O' Sullivan
- Stephen Brunt
- Reviewed by Michael Freeman
- Grades 11 and up
- 1988 July
Medicare: Canada's Right to Health
- Monique Begin
- Reviewed by Ruth Bainbridge
- Grades 12 and up
- 1988 November
Melancholy Elephants
- Spider Robinson
- Reviewed by Chris Kempling
- Adult
- 1985 January
Memory Board
- Jane Rule
- Reviewed by Katheryn Broughton
- Grades 12 and up / Ages 17 and up
- 1988 March
The Manager's Tale
- Hugh Ross
- Reviewed by Susan E. Fowler
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1990 July
Maple Leaf Rag: Travels Across Canada
- Stephen Brook
- Reviewed by Marc Shaw
- Grades 11 and up
- 1988 January
Mathematics of Finance
- Carl W. McCoomb
- Reviewed by John D. Crawford
- Grades 11 and up
- 1983 November
- Rene Levesque
- Reviewed by Neil Payne
- Grades 11 and up
- 1987 March
The Memoirs of a Literacy Blockhead
- Robin Skelton
- Reviewed by B. Henley-Hodgson
- Grades 11 and up
- 1988 September
Memories of War: Promises of Peace
- Mary Jo Leddy
- Reviewed by Maryleah Otto
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1990 March
The Mental Game Plan
- John G. Albinson and Steve Bull
- Reviewed by Ed Somerville
- Grades 11 and up
- 1988 November
The Merchant-Millers of the Humber Valley
- Sidney Thomson Fisher
- Reviewed by Allan S. Evans
- Grades 10 and up
- 1986 July
Merchant Princes
- Peter C. Newman
- Reviewed by Robin Lewis
- Grades 9 and up / Ages 14 and up
- 1992 March
Merchants of Fear: An Investigation of Canada's Insurance Industry
- James Flemming
- Reviewed by David Chadwick
- Grades 10 and up
- 1987 May
Merchants of Misery: Inside Canada's Illegal Drug Scene
- Victor Malarek
- Reviewed by E. Robson
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1990 March
Merlin's Web
- Susan Mayse
- Reviewed by Anne Locatelli
- Grades 12 and up
- 1988 March
Methuen Illustrated Dictionary of Biology: the Principles of Biology Explained and Illustrated
- Anne C. Gutteridge
- Reviewed by Joanna Gerdung
- Grades 10 and up
- 1984 September
Methuen Illustrated Dictionary of Chemistry: the Fundamentals of Chemistry Explained and Illustrated
- Arthur Godman
- Reviewed by Ingrid vonHausen
- Grades 11 and up
- 1984 September
Methuen Illustrated Science Dictionary: All Fields of Scientific Language Explained and Illustrated
- Arthur Godman
- Reviewed by Richar Mrazek
- Grades 9 and up
- 1984 September
The Métis
- Donald Purich
- Reviewed by Lillian M. Turner
- Grades 10 and up
- 1988 November
The Métis: Canada's Forgotten People
- Antoine S. Lussier and Sealey D. Bruce
- Reviewed by Lillian M. Turner
- Grades 12 and up
- 1982 September
The Métis in the Canadian West
- Marcel Giraud
- Reviewed by Joan M. Payzant
- Grades 10 and up
- 1987 September
Métis: People Between Two Worlds
- Julia D. Harrison
- Reviewed by Lillian M. Turner
- Grades 12 and up
- 1985 September
Michael Jackson: Body and Soul
- Geoff Brown
- Reviewed by Frank Loreto
- All Ages
- 1984 September
Michael Ondaatje: Work, Image, Imagination
- Leslie Mundwiler
- Reviewed by Alan Thomas
- Grades 12 and up
- 1985 September
Michel Tremblay
- Renate Usmiani
- Reviewed by Kenneth A. Elliott
- Grades 12 and up
- 1982 November
Micmac Quillwork: Micmac Indian Techniques of Porcupine Quill Decoration 1600-1950
- Ruth Holmes Whitehead
- Reviewed by Eve Williams
- Grades 10 and up
- 1982 November
Microcomputer Programming: An Introductory Text in Basic
- J. Fenkell, B. Heino and B. Wallace
- Reviewed by Jean Farquharson
- Grades 10 and up
- 1984 January
Middleton: The Beloved Judge
- John D. Arnup
- Reviewed by Jean Farquharson
- Grades 11 and up
- 1989 January
Midnight Matinees
- Jay Scott
- Reviewed by Caroline E. Young
- Grades 11 and up
- 1986 January
A Military History of Canada
- Desmond Morton
- Reviewed by Allan S. Evans
- Grades 12 and up
- 1986 May
The Milton-Park Affair: Canada's Largest Citizen-Developer Confrontation
- Claire Helman
- Reviewed by Susan E. Fowler
- Grades 12 and up
- 1987 November
Miss Abigail's Part: Or Version and Diverson
- Judith Terry
- Reviewed by Ruth Cosstick
- Grades 10 and up
- 1986 July
Miss Emily et la Mort
- Michael Harris
- Reviewed by Donalee Moulton-Barrett
- Grades 12 and up
- 1985 September
The Miners of Wabana
- Gail Weir
- Grades 7 and up / Ages 12 and up
- Reviewed by Catherine R. Cox
- 1990 May
Mobile Homes
- Noel Hudson
- Reviewed by David Chadwick
- Grades 10 and up
- 1986 September
Mock Trial Kit
- Reviewed by John D. Crawford
- Grades 9 and up
- 1983 July
Modern Canadian Childrens Books: Perspectives on Canadian Culture
- Judith Saltman
- Reviewed by Bohdan Kinczyk
- Grades 12 and up / Ages 17 and up
- 1987 September
The Modern English Haiku
- George Swede
- Reviewed by Sister Anne Leonard
- Grades 9 and up
- 1982 September
The Molson Saga 1763-1983
- Shirley E. Woods
- Reviewed by Paul White
- Grades 12 and up
- 1985 January
The Moment is All: Selected Poems, 1944-83
- Ralph Gustafson
- Reviewed by Pat Bolger
- Grades 12 and up
- 1984 January
Mona: a Mother's Story
- Ginette Bureau
- Reviewed by Mollie Hooper
- Grades 10 and up
- 1982 November
Money and Exchange in Canadato 1900
- A.B. McCullough
- Reviewed by John Crawford
- Grades 11 and up
- 1986 January
Money-Making Ideas for Retirees
- Ronald J. Cooke
- Reviewed by Dennis Nosyk
- Grades 12 and up
- 1983 November
Money Rustlers: Self-Made Millionaires of the New West
- Paul Grescoe and David Cruise
- Reviewed by John H. Harkness
- Grades 11 and up
- 1986 January
The Money Spinners: an Intimate Portrait of the Men Who Run Canada's Banks
- Rod McQueen
- Reviewed by John D. Crawford
- Grades 11 and up
- 1984 May
Montreal Inside Out: A New View of the City
- John Sobol
- Reviewed by Melanie Fogel
- Grades 10 and up/ Ages 15 and up
- 1993 November
The Montreal Story Tellers: Memoirs, Photographs, Critical Essays
- J.R. (Tim) Struthers (Edited by)
- Reviewed by Ruth Cosstick
- Grades 12 and up
- 1986 July
Moons of Jupiter: Stories
- Alice Munroe
- Reviewed by Elaine Balpataky
- Grades 12 and up
- 1983 March
Moral Predicament: Morley Calaghan's More Joy in Heaven
- George Woodcock
- Reviewed by Joanne Peters
- Grades 11 and up / Ages 16 and up
- 1994 May/June
More Dear Teacher
- Emile & Diana Lizé (Compiled by)
- Reviewed by Wendy Carter
- Grades 9 and up
- 1988 March
More Garden Varieties Two
- Reviewed by John Bainbridge
- Grades 11 and up / Ages 16 and up
- 1991 March
More Than Meets the Eye: the Life and Lore of Western Wildflowers
- J. Ward-Haris
- Reviewed by A. Louise Nordin
- Grades 11 and up
- 1984 May
More than Words Can Say: Personal Perspectives on Literacy
- Knowlton Nash
- Reviewed by Louise Reirner
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1990 July
The Morningside World of Stuart McLean
- Stuart McLean
- Reviewed by Louise Reimer
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1990 January
Moscow Despatches: In
- John Watkins
- Reviewed by Thomas F. Chambers
- Grades 10 and up
- 1988 May
Mother, I'm So Glad You Taught Me How to Dance
- Vancy Kasper
- Reviewed by Pat Bolger
- Grades 12 and up
- 1987 September
The Mother Tongue
- H.R. Percy
- Reviewed by Michele F. Kallio
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1992 September
The Motor Boys in Ottawa
- Hugh Hood
- Reviewed by Frank Loreto
- Grades 12 and up
- 1987 January
Mountain Tea and Other Poems
- Peter van Toorn
- Reviewed by Pat Bolger
- Grades 12 and up
- 1984 November
Moving People and Resources: Studies in Transportation
- Edited by Donald Wilson and Rowland Lorimer
- Reviewed by Harvey Dust
- Grades 9 and up / Ages 14 and up
- 1992 January
Mr. Speaker
- James Jerome
- Reviewed by Louise Dick
- Grades 10 and up
- 1986 March
Mrs. Golightly and Other Stories
- Ethel Wilson
- Reviewed by Catherine R. Cox
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1991 March
The M & S Home Emergency Handbook & First-Aid Guide
- Fred Kerner
- Reviewed by Barbara Camfield
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1990 November
Mud and Magic Shows: Robertson Davies' Fifth Business
- Patricia Monk
- Reviewed by Joanne Peters
- Grades 12 and up/ Ages 17 and up
- 1993 October
Mulroney: The Making of the Prime Minister
- L. Ian MacDonald
- Reviewed by John H. Harkness
- Grades 10 and up
- 1985 March
Mulroney: The Politics of Ambition
- John Sawatsky
- Reviewed by Thomas F. Chambers
- Grades 12 and up / Ages 17 and up
- 1992 September
Multiple Man: Explorations in Possession and Multiple Personality
- Adam Crabtree
- Reviewed by Ruth Rausa
- Grades 12 and up
- 1985 September
Murder Before Matins
- John Reeves
- Reviewed by Ted Monkhouse
- Grades 11 and up
- 1985 January
Murder in a Cold Climate
- Scott Young
- Reviewed by Ian Dempsey
- Grade 11 and up
- 1989 January
Murder in Gutenthal
- Armin Wiebe
- Reviewed by Margaret Mackey
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1992 March
Murder in the Yukon: the Case Against George O'Brien
- M. J. Malcolm
- Reviewed by Gerri Young
- Grades 9 and up
- 1983 January
Murder on Location
- Howard Engel
- Reviewed by Jean Keenan
- Grades 10 and up
- 1983 January
Murder with Muskets
- John Reeves
- Reviewed by Jerry McDonnell
- Grades 11 and up
- 1985 September
Mushroom Salad
- Robin Green
- Reviewed by Clare A. Darby
- Grades 12 and up
- 1985 November
Music Directory Canada '83
- Reviewed by Joan Weller
- Grades 9 and up
- 1983 November
Music From Within: A Biography of the Composer S.C. Eckhardt-Gramatte
- Ferdinand Eckhardt
- Reviewed by Thea Todd
- Grades 11 and up
- 1986 July
The Music Wars: a Novel
- Tony Aspler and Gordon Pape
- Reviewed by J. Barry Dewey
- Adult
- 1982 September
Musicworks: The Canadian Journal of Sound Exploration
- Reviewed by Walter Kalyn
- Grades 11 and up
- 1987 May
The Muslim Community in North America
- Baha Abu-Laban, Regula B. Qureshi and Earle H. Waugh (Edited by)
- Reviewed by Ingrid M. Haase
- Grades 12 and up
- 1983 November
My Career with the Leafs
- Brian Fawcett
- Reviewed by Michael Freeman
- Grades 12 and up
- 1983 September
"My Dear Legs...": Letters to a Young Social Democrat
- Alex Macdonald
- Reviewed by Ted Monkhouse
- Grades 11 and up
- 1986 January
My Dear Maggie...Letters From a Western Manitoba Pioneer
- William Wallace
- Reviewed by Val K. Lem
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1992 March
My Dear Mr. M: letters to G.B. MacMillan from L.M. Montgomery
- Francis W.P. Bolger and Elizabeth R. Epperly (Edited by)
- Reviewed by Val K. Lem
- Grades 9 and up / Ages 14 and up
- 1992 September
My Diary of Earth
- Gregory Cook
- Reviewed by Donna Doyle
- Grades 11 and up
- 1989 January
My Father, My Friend
- Arthur Mayse
- Reviewed by Val K. Lem
- Grades 8 and up / Ages 13 and up
- 1994 Jan/Feb
My Fathers House: A Memoir of Incest and of Healing
- Sylvia Fraser
- Reviewed by Marc Shaw
- Grades 10 and up
- 1989 January
My Grandfather's House: Scenes of Childhood and Youth
- Charles Ritchie
- Reviewed by Ted Monkhouse
- Grades 12 and up
- 1988 March
My Name is Louis
- Janet Craig James
- Reviewed by Elizabeth Woodger
- Grades 7-10 / Ages 12-15
- 1989 July
My Own Years
- Barry Broadfoot
- Reviewed by Anne Locatelli
- Grades 12 and up
- 1984 March
My Remarkable Uncle
- Stephen Leacock
- Reviewed by Melanie Fogel
- Grades 7 and up / Ages 12 and up
- 1989 September
Mysterious Canada: Strange Sights, Extraordinary Events, and Peculiar Places
- John Colombo
- Reviewed by Melanie Fogel
- Grades 3 and up / Ages 8 and up
- 1990 March
The Mysterious Mummer and Other Newfoundland Stories
- Bert Batstone
- Reviewed by Floyd Sprachlin
- Grades 9 and up
- 1985 May
The Mysterious North
- Pierre Berton
- Reviewed by Thomas F. Chambers
- Grades 12 and up / Ages 17 and up
- 1990 January
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