Book Reviews by Age and Grade Level
Grades 10 and up
Caesars of the Wilderness
- Peter C. Newman
- Reviewed by Robin Lewis
- Grades 10 and up
- 1988 July
Cafe le Dog: Stories
- Matt Cohen
- Reviewed by Joan VanSickle
- Grades 12 and up
- 1984 March
Cafe des Westens
- Norman Ravvin
- Reviewed by Joanne K.A. Peters
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1992 March
- Catherine Dunphy
- Reviewed by Anne Louise Mahoney
- Grades 5 and up / Ages 10 and up
- 1991 March
Call Back
- Sara Woods
- Reviewed by Elinor Kelly
- Grades 12 and up
- 1984 November
Calling Home: New Stories
- Merna Summer
- Reviewed by Alma Webster
- Grades 12 and up
- 1983 March
Calling the Shot: Profiles of Women Filmmakers
- Janis Cole and Holly Dale
- Reviewed by Christine Jacobs
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1994 September
The Camera Always Lies
- Hugh Hood
- Reviewed by Elaine Blakey
- Grades 10 and up
- 1982 September
The Camp Cook Book
- Tom MacDonald
- Reviewed by Sharon A. McLennan McCue
- Grades 10 and up
- 1987 January
- Charles Ewart
- Reviewed by Ellen Robson
- Grades 11 and up
- 1985 January
Canada: 1900-1945
- Robert Bothwell
- Reviewed by Joan Kerrigan
- Grades 12 and up
- 1987 November
Canada, 1922-1939: Decades of Discord
- John Herd Thompson and Allen Seager
- Reviewed by Keith Wilson
- Grades 12 and up
- 1985 September
Canada 1984: A Time of Transition Among Nations
- Brian W. Tomlin and Maureen Molot (Edited by)
- Reviewed by Thomas F. Chambers
- Grades 12 and up
- 1985 September
Canada and the Age of Conflict: Volume 1, 1867-1921
- C.P. Stacey
- Reviewed by John H. Harkness
- Grades 12 and up
- 1985 January
Canada and the Birth of Israel: A Study in Canadian Foreign Policy
- David J. Bercuson
- Reviewed by John Harkness
- Grades 12 and up
- 1986 May
Canada from Coast to Coast
- Reviewed by W. F. Benson
- All Ages
- 1982 November
Canada Geese Mate for Life
- Bill Bissell
- Reviewed by Tony Cosier
- Grades 11 and up
- 1986 September
Canada: a Growing Concern
- Allan Hux and Fred Jarman
- Reviewed by John Harkness
- Grades 9-12
- 1982 September
Canada: a Growing Concern. Teacher's Guide
- Allan Hux and Fred Jarman
- Reviewed by John Harkness
- Grades 9-12
- 1982 September
Canada Home: Fredericton Letters, 1867-1869
- Juliana Horatia Ewing
- Reviewed by Catherine R. Cox
- Post-Secondary
- 1985 January
Canada Illustrated: the Art of Nineteeth-Century Engraving
- Reviewed by Jim Carter
- Grades 9 and up
- 1983 September
Canada in Space
- Lydia Dotto
- Reviewed by Don Precosky
- Grades 10 and up
- 1987 July
Canada: Land of Diversity
- Bruce W. Clark and John K. Wallace
- Reviewed by Howard Hurt
- Grades 9 and up
- 1983 November
Canada Learns to Play: The Emergence of Organized Sport, 1807-1914
- Alan Metcalfe
- Reviewed by John Mitchell
- Grades 12 and up
- 1987 July
Canada and the Nuclear Arms Race
- Ernie Regehr and Simon Rosenblum (Edited by)
- Reviewed by John D. Crawford
- Grades 10 and up
- 1983 November
Canada: an Outline History
- J. Arthur Lower
- Reviewed by Brenda Reed
- Grades 9 and up / Ages 14 and up
- 1992 January
Canada, Quebec, and the Uses of Nationalism
- Ramsay Cook
- Reviewed by Howard Hurt
- Grades 12 and up
- 1987 March
Canada and the Reagan Challenge: Crisis and Adjustment, 1981-85
- Stephen Clarkson
- Reviewed by Howard Hurt
- Grades 11 and up
- 1985 November
Canada: a Symphony in Color
- Grace Deutsch and Avanthia Swan
- Reviewed by Maurice G. Black
- All Ages
- 1983 January
Canada and Western Security: the Search for New Options
- Reviewed by Dave Jenkinson
- Grades 11 and up
- 1983 March
Canada: Windows on the World
- Robert J. Bondy
- Reviewed by Maureen R. Harper
- Grades 10 and up
- 1984 January
Canada with Love/Canada avec amour
- Lorraine Monk
- Reviewed by Susan Morrison
- All Ages
- 1982 November
Canada and the World: An Atlas Resource
- Geoffrey J. Matthews and Robert Morrow Jr.
- Reviewed by Fred May
- Grades 9 and up
- 1985 July
Canada's First Nations: A History of Founding People from Earliest Times
- Olive Dickason
- Reviewed by David Chadwick
- Adult
- 1992 October
Canada's First Superhighway
- Robert M. Stamp
- Reviewed by Susan Fowler
- Grades 11 and up
- 1988 May
Canada's Heritage in Scotland
- Ged Martin and Jeffrey Simpson
- Reviewed by Gerri Young
- Grades 11 and up / Ages 16 and up
- 1990 May
Canada's Music: an Historical Survey
- Clifford Ford
- Reviewed by Robert E. Wheeler
- Grades 12 and up
- 1982 September
Canada's Native Peoples
- Charles J. Humber
- Reviewed by Mollie Hooper
- Grades 7 and up / Ages 12 and up
- 1989 September
Canada's Natural Resources and Their Use
- Maurice Mandale
- Reviewed by Michael Ball
- Grades 9 and up
- 1983 July
Canada's North: the Reference Manual
- Reviewed by Fred May
- Grades 11 and up
- 1984 May
Canada's Oil and the American Empire
- Ed Shaffer
- Reviewed by George Gereben
- Grades 12 and up
- 1983 September
Canada's Smallest Province: A History of Prince Edward Island
- Edited by F.W.P. Bolger
- Reviewed by Catherine R. Cox
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1992 March
Canada's Video Revolution: Pay-TV, Home Video, and Beyond
- Peter Lyman
- Reviewed by Ian Ferguson
- Grades 12 and up
- 1983 September
Canadese: A Portrait of the Italian Canadians
- Ken Bagnell
- Reviewed by John D. Crawford
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1990 January
Canadian Almanac Directory 1992
- Reviewed by P.J. Hammel
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1992 September
Canadian-American Relations
- W. P. Telford
- Reviewed by Jon D. Crawfor
- Grades 8 and up
- 1984 November
Canadian Annual Review of Politics and Public Affairs, 1984
- R.B. Byers
- Reviewed by Charles Ottosen
- Grades 9 and up
- 1988 March
Canadian Childhoods: A Tundra Anothology
- May Cutler
- Reviewed by Irene Gordon
- Grades 5 and up / Ages 10 and up
- 1990 May
Canadian Churches and Social Justice
- John R. Williams (Edited by)
- Reviewed by John Crawford
- Grades 11 and up
- 1986 January
The Canadian Cowboy: Stories of Cows, Cowboys, and Cayuses
- Andy Russell
- Reviewed by Marsha Kaiserman
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1994 May/June
Canadian Days: A Calendar for All Time Featuring Fascinating Facts About Calendars, Dates and People
- Magdalen Bear and Lou Pamenter
- Reviewed by Gwen Maguire
- Grades 5 and up / Ages 10 and up
- 1991 January
Canadian Do-It-Yourself: the Magazine for Handy People
- Reviewed by C. Naslund
- Grades 9 and up
- 1984 September
Canadian Drama and the Critics
- L.W. Conolly
- Reviewed by Alan Thomas
- Grades 11 and up
- 1988 November
Canadian Environmental Directory 1991
- Reviewed by Peter Freeman
- Grades 9 and up/Ages 14 and up
- 1992 March
Canadian Environmental Directory 1992
- Edited by Ann Marie Aldighieri
- Reviewed by Peter Freeman
- Grades 9 and up / Ages 14 and up
- 1992 November
Canadian Exploration Literature
- Edited by Germaine Warkentin
- Reviewed by Brenda Reed
- Grades 12 and up/Ages 17 and up
- 1993 October
The Canadian Family in Crisis
- John F. Conway
- Reviewed by Susan E. Fowler
- Grades 12 and up / Ages 17 and up
- 1991 May
Canadian Folk Art: Old Ways in a New Land
- Michael Bird
- Reviewed by Carrie Gardner
- Grades 7 and up
- 1984 September
The Canadian Green Consumer Guide: How You Can Help
- Prepared by the Pollution Probe Foundation
- Reviewed by Marilyn Aldworth
- Grades 6 and up / Ages 11 and up
- 1990 May
Canadian Heritage
- Reviewed by Mollie Hooper
- Grades 10 and up
- 1984 May
The Canadian Jewish Outlook Anthology
- Henry Rosenthal and Cathy Berson
- Reviewed by Joan McGraw
- Grades 12 and up / Ages 17 and up
- 1989 January
Canadian Jewish Short Stories
- Edited by Miriam Waddington
- Reviewed by Katheryn Broughton
- Grades 11 and up / Ages 16 and up
- 1991 January
Canadian Museum of Civilization: Treasures/Musee Danadien Des Civilisations: Tresors
- Reviewed by Ed Somerville
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1989 September
Canadian Mystery Stories
- Alberto Manguel, editor
- Reviewed by Ted Monkhouse
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1991 May
The Canadian Novel, Volume III: Modern Times
- John Moss (Edited by)
- Reviewed by Warner Winter
- Grades 11 and up
- 1983 November
The Canadian Office Today
- Lois Tarnai
- Reviewed by Ian Ferguson
- Grades 11 and up
- 1983 March
Canadian Pacific: the Story of the Famous Shipping Line
- George Musk
- Reviewed by John D. Crawford
- Grades 11 and up
- 1982 November
Canadian Parliamentary Handbook/Répertoire Parlementaire Canadien 1983-1984
- John Bejermi
- Reviewed by P. J. Hammel
- Grades 9 and up
- 1984 September
Canadian People Patterns
- Roger Sauve
- Reviewed by John d. Crawford
- Grades 8 and up / Ages 13 and up
- 1991 January
Canadian Poetry Now: 20 Poets of the '80's.
- Reviewed by Warner Winter
- Grades 12 and up
- 1985 January
The Canadian Prairie West and the Ranching Frontier. 1874-1924
- David H. Breen
- Reviewed by Carol MacDonald
- Grades 12 and up
- 1983 September
The Canadian Prairies: A History
- Gerald Friesen
- Reviewed by George Huffman
- Grades 12 and up
- 1985 January
Canadian Short Fiction Anthology, Volume 2
- Paul Belserene (Edited by)
- Reviewed by Pat Bolger
- Grades 12 and up
- 1982 September
Canadian Short Fiction: From Myth to Modern
- W.H. New (edited by)
- Reviewed by Barbara J. Graham
- Grades 11 and up
- 1986 November
Canadian Short Stories, Fifth Series
- Selected by Robert Weaver
- Reviewed by Willa Walsh
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1991 September
The Canadian Style: A Guide to Writing and Editing
- Reviewed by James K.A. Peters
- Grades 11 and up
- 1986 May
The Canadian Symbols Kit
- Department of the Secretary of State
- Reviewed by Alma Webster
- All Grades
- 1987 July
Canadian Used Car Guide: Best Buys, Lemons, Confidential Price, Rusting Diagrams
- Phil Edmonston
- Reviewed by Donna Kenwell
- Grades 10 and up
- 1982 September
Canadian Wildlife Activity Book
- Jon M. Gerrard
- Reviewed by Peter Croskery
- Grades 11 and up
- 1989 January
Canadian Workshop: the Magazine for All Home Do-It-Yourselfers
- Reviewed by C. Naslund
- Grades 9 and up
- 1984 September
The Canadian World Almanac and Book of Facts, 5th ed.
- Edited by John Filion
- Reviewed by P.J. Hammel
- Grades 5 and up / Ages 10 and up
- 1991 March
Canadian Writers in 1984
- W.H. New (Edited by)
- Reviewed by Robert E. Wheeler
- Post-Secondary
- 1985 January
Canadian Writers and Their Works, Fiction Series, Volume One
- Jack David, Robert Lecker and Ellen Quigley (Edited by)
- Reviewed by Alan Thomas
- Grades 12 and up
- 1983 November
Canadian Writers and Their Works: Fiction Series, Volumes II, VIII and X
- Edited by Robert Lecker, Jack David and Ellen Quigley
- Reviewed by Louise Reimer
- Grades 12 and up / Ages 17 and up
- 1990 May
Canadian Writers and Their Works, Fiction Series, Vol. V
- Edited by Robert Lecker, Jack David and Ellen Quigley
- Reviewed by Alan Thomas
- Grades 12 and up / Ages 17 and up
- 1991 May
Canadian Writers and Their Works: Fiction Series Vol. XII
- Robert Lecker, Jack David, and Ellen Quigley
- Reviewed by Alan Thomas
- Grades 12 and up / Ages 17 and up
- 1986 March
Canadian Writers and Their Works: Poetry Series Volume VI
- Robert Lecker, Jack David and Ellen Quigley
- Reviewed by Ian Dempsey
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1990 March
Canadian Writers and Their Works: Poetry Series Volume VIII
- Reviewed by Alan Thomas
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1993 November
Canadian Writers and Their Works: Poetry Series Volume X
- Reviewed by Alan Thomas
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1993 November
Canadian Writers at Work
- Geoff Hancock (Edited by)
- Reviewed by Warner Winter
- Grades 12 and up
- 1988 September
Canadians Behind Enemy Lines, 1939-1945
- Roy MacLaren
- Reviewed by Neil Payne
- Grades 12 and up
- 1982 November
Canadians from Holland - a Generation Later
- Ray MacLean
- Reviewed by G. J. Casey
- Grades 10 and up
- 1983 November
A Canadian's Road to Russia: Letters from the Great War Decade
- Stuart Ramsay Tompkins
- Reviewed by Joan McGrath
- Grades 12 and up / Ages 17 and up
- 1989 September
Canadians and their Government
- George W. Brown and Allen S. Merritt
- Reviewed by Ruth Denyer
- Grades 9 and up
- 1984 January
Canadians at Work: Labour, Unions and Industry
- Kenneth W. Osborne
- Reviewed by J. D. Ingram
- Grades 8 and up
- 1984 September
Canajan, Eh?
- Mark M. Orkin
- Reviewed by Ralph J. Wintrob
- Grades 10 and up
- 1983 July
The Canasta Players
- Wayne Tefs
- Reviewed by Barbara Camfield
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1991 January
The Canoe
- Kenneth G. Roberts and Philip Shackleton
- Reviewed by Ches Sulkowski
- Grades 9 and up
- 1984 May
Canoe Routes: Northwest Oregon
- Philip N. Jones
- Reviewed by June Curley
- Grades 10 and up
- 1983 January
Canoecraft: a Harrowsmith Illustrated Guide to Fine Woodstrip Construction
- Merilyn Mohr and Ted Moores
- Reviewed by Peter Chernoff
- Grades 9 and up
- 1984 May
The Canscaip Companion: A Biographical Record of Canadian Children's Authors, Illustrators, and Performers
- Barbara Greenwood
- Reviewed by Brenda Reed
- Grades 5 and up / Ages 10 and up
- 1991 May
Cantos North
- Henry Beissel
- Reviewed by Tony Cosier
- Grades 11 and up
- 1983 September
Capital Poets: An Ottawa Anthology
- Colin Morton
- Reviewed by Floyd Spracklin
- Grades 12 and up / Ages 17 and up
- 1989 November
Capital Tales
- Brian Fawcett
- Reviewed by Ruth Cosstick
- Grades 12 and up
- 1985 July
Captured Heritage: The Scramble for Northwest Coast Artifacts
- Douglas Cole
- Reviewed by Lois Hird
- Grades 11 and up
- 1986 January
Cardiac Arrest
- Sarah Spinks
- Reviewed by Elizabeth Woodger
- Grades 10 and up
- 1986 March
- John Freeman and Mary Belanchuk
- Reviewed by Catherine Cox
- Grades 9 and up / Ages 14 and up
- 1994 November/December
Career Coach: Your Up-to-Date Guide to Successful Career Planning
- Janis Foord
- Reviewed by Roger Lang
- Grades 11 and up
- 1984 May
Career Connections Teacher Resource Bank
- Julie E. Czerneda and Dave Studd
- Reviewed by Fred Leicester
- Grades 6 to 10 / Ages 11 to 15
- 1993 November
Cash From Your Kitchen
- Catherine Harris
- Reviewed by Jackie Black
- Grades 11 and up
- 1985 January
- Brian Moore
- Reviewed by Kenneth Elliot
- Grades 11 and up / Ages 16 and up
- 1989 July
Cat on the Run
- Gloria Guenther
- Reviewed by Anna Santarossa
- Grades 6 and up/Ages 11 and up
- 1992 May
Cat's Eye
- Margaret Atwood
- Reviewed by Joanne K. A. Peters
- Grades 11 and up / Ages 16 and up
- 1989 January
Catchpenny Poems
- David Helwig
- Reviewed by Joan VanSickle
- Grades 12 and up
- 1984 September
Cattle Kingdom: Early Ranching in Alberta
- Edward Brado
- Reviewed by R. Weiler
- Grades 9 and up
- 1985 September
Caught in Amber
- Leila Pepper
- Reviewed by Donalee Moulton-Barrett
- Grades 12 and up
- 1984 November
The Cave of Trophonius and Other Poems
- Francis Sparshott.
- Reviewed by Sister Anne Leonard
- Grades 12 and up
- 1984 November
A Celebration
- Ludwig Zeller
- Reviewed by Wendy Carter
- Grades 12 and up
- 1988 March
Celebrity All-Occasion Cooking: Recipes for Every Occasion
- Sally Sullivan (Edited by)
- Reviewed by L. McGrath
- Grades 9 and up
- 1985 November
Celestial Navigation: Poems
- Paulette Jiles
- Reviewed by Donalee Moulton-Barrett
- Grades 12 and up
- 1984 November
The Century that Made Us: Canada 1814-1914
- George Woodcock
- Reviewed by Joan Kerrigan
- Grades 11 and up / Ages 16 and up
- 1990 January
Chainsaw Lumbermaking
- Will Malloff
- Reviewed by Peter F. Chernoff
- Grades 10 and up
- 1983 July
The Challenges of Canada's Regional Diversity/Les Défis de la diversité Regionale au Canada
- Reviewed by Richard Swain
- Grades 10 and up
- 1982 November
Chameleon and Other Stories
- Bill Schermbrucker
- Reviewed by Joan McGrath
- Grades 12 and up
- 1984 March
Champagne Barn
- Norman Levine
- Reviewed by Tony Cosier
- Grades 10 and up
- 1985 January
The Changing Economic Status of Women
- Jac-André Boulet and Laval Lavallée
- Reviewed by Thomas F. Chambers
- Grades 11 and up
- 1986 January
The Changing of the Guard: How the Liberals Fell from Grace and the Tories Rose to Power
- Norman Snider
- Reviewed by Thomas F. Chambers
- Grades 12 and up
- 1985 November
Charles de Salaberry: Soldier of the Empire, Defender of Quebec
- Patrick J. Wohler
- Reviewed by Kenneth A. Elliott
- Grades 10 and up
- 1985 July
Charlie's Pillow
- Hakan Jaensson and Arne Norlin
- Reviewed by Janice Foster
- All Ages
- 1985 September
Cheering for the Home Team: the Story of Baseball in Canada
- William Humber
- Reviewed by Michael Freeman
- Grades 11 and up
- 1983 November
Chef and Doctor on the Run
- Diane Clement and Doug Clement
- Reviewed by Elizabeth Locked
- Grades 11 and up
- 1987 March
A Chemical Feast
- W. Harding Le Riche
- Reviewed by Cheryl Bonowicz
- Grades 12 and up
- 1983 July
Chemical Nightmare
- John Jackson and Phil Weller
- Reviewed by Elaine Balpataky
- Grades 10 and up
- 1983 September
Chemistry Today
- R. A. Nalepa, R. L. Whitman and E. E. Zinck
- Reviewed by Ingrid vonHausen
- Grades 9 and up
- 1983 July
The Chestnut Pipe: Folklore of Shelburne County
- Marion Robertson
- Reviewed by Catherine R. Cox
- Grades 6 and up / Ages 11 and up
- 1992 March
Chicken! Chicken!: Lynn Mendelson's First Cookbook
- Lynn Mendelson
- Reviewed by Joyce Brown
- Grades 10 and up
- 1986 March
Chief: The Fearless Vision of Billy Diamond
- Roy MacGregor
- Reviewed by Marc Shaw
- Grades 11 and up / Ages 16 and up
- 1989 July
Chilcotin Holiday
- Paul St. Pierre
- Reviewed by Mary Fallis
- Grades 10 and up
- 1984 September
The Childcare Crisis: The Real Costs of Daycare For You-And Your Child
- Fredelle Maynard
- Reviewed by donalee Moulton-Barrett
- Grades 12 and up
- 1985 November
A Child in Prison Camp
- Shizuye Takashima
- Reviewed by Maryleah Otto
- Grades 5 and up / Ages 10 and up
- 1990 May
Children of the First People
- Dorothy Haegert
- Reviewed by Lillian M. Turner
- Grades 9 and up
- 1985 November
Children of the Rainbow
- Terence Green
- Reviewed by Barbara Camfield
- Grades 9 and up/ Ages 14 and up
- 1992 September
Children's Literature in Canada
- Elizabeth Waterston
- Reviewed by Katheryn Broughton
- Grades 12 and up / Ages 17 and up
- 1993 September
China Blues
- David Donnell
- Reviewed by Ian Dempsey
- Grades 11 and up / Ages 16 and up
- 1992 September
China Hands: The Globe and Mail in Peking
- Charles Taylor (Edited by)
- Reviewed by Elinor Kelly
- Grades 10 and up
- 1985 May
The Chinese in Canada
- Peter S. Li
- Reviewed by John D. Crawford
- Grades 11 and up
- 1988 November
Choice Atlantic: Writers of Newfoundland and the Maritimes
- Edited by Elaine Crocker, Eric Norman and Michael Nowlan
- Reviewed by Sharon A. McLennon McCue
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1991 May
Christmas in the Big Igloo: True Tales from the Canadian Arctic
- Kenn Harper
- Reviewed by Joan McGrath
- Grades 9 and up
- 1985 September
Christopher Cartier of Hazelnut, Also Known as Bear
- Antonine Maillet
- Reviewed by Joan M. Payzant
- Grades 10 and up
- 1985 March
Christopher Pratt
- David Silcox and Meriké Weiler
- Reviewed by J. E. Simpson
- Grades 10 and up
- 1983 July
Chronicle of Canada
- Elizabeth Abbott, Editor-in-chief
- Reviewed by P.J. Hammel
- Grades 8 and up / Ages 13 and up
- 1991 March
Chronicles of Pride: A Journey of Discovery
- Patricia Richardson Logie
- Reviewed by Walter Kalyn
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1991 March
Citizen and Soldier
- Howard Graham
- Reviewed by Bohdan Kinczyk
- Grades 10 and up
- 1988 May
A City Called July
- Howard Engel
- Reviewed by Jerry McDonnell
- Grades 9 and up
- 1987 March
The City Without Women: A Chronicle of Internment Life in Canada During the Second World War
- Mario Duliani
- Reviewed by Catherine R. Cox
- Grades 9 and up / Ages 14 and up
- 1994 September
Claiming the Future: The Inspiring Lives of Twelve Canadian Women Scientists and Scholars/Se Batir un Avenir
- Edited by Francess G. Halpenny
- Reviewed by Esther Hutchison
- Grades 8 and up / Ages 13 and up
- 1992 March
The Claremont Review
- Reviewed by Valerie Nielsen
- Grades 11 and up / Ages 16 and up
- 1992 September
Clarence Hincks: Mental Health Crusader
- Charles G. Roland
- Reviewed by Ruth Bainbridge
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1991 March
Clearing the Ground: English-Canadian Literature After Survival
- Paul Stuewe
- Reviewed by Alan Thomas
- Grades 11 and up
- 1984 November
Clifford Sifton, Volume Two: A Lonely Eminence, 1901-1929
- D.J. Hall
- Reviewed by Clare A. Darby
- Grades 11 and up
- 1985 September
The Climates of Canada
- David Phillips
- Reviewed by Susan E. Fowler
- Grades 7 and up / Ages 12 and up
- 1991 January
A Climber's Guide to Washington Rock
- Don Brooks
- Reviewed by Peter Ewens
- Grades 11 and up
- 1983 May
Close to Home: A Canadian Country Diary
- Bill Ivy
- Reviewed by Jon Wright
- Grades 6 and up / Ages 11 and up
- 1991 May
Closing the Doors: The Failure of Refugee Protection
- David Matas with Ilana Simon
- Reviewed by John D. Crawford
- Grades 11 and up / Ages 16 and up
- 1990 May
Coastal Villages
- Liv Kennedy
- Reviewed by Adele Case
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1992 September
Coastal Wildlife of British Columbia
- Bruce Obee
- Reviewed by Fred Leicester
- Grades 7 and up / Ages 12 and up
- 1992 March
Cold Front
- Barry Hammond
- Reviewed by Bob Lamoureux
- Grades 11 and up
- 1983 July
Collected Plays
- Gwen Pharis Ringwood
- Reviewed by Alma Webster
- Grades 10 and up
- 1984 January
The Collected Poems of Al Purdy
- Al Purdy
- Reviewed by Tony Cosier
- Grades 10 and up
- 1987 May
Collected Poems, Volume Three 1962-74
- Raymond Souster
- Reviewed by C. H. Mountford
- Grades 11 and up
- 1983 May
Collected Poems, Volume Five, 1877-1983
- Raymond Souster
- Reviewed by Pat Bolger
- Grades 11 and up
- 1985 May
College Style Sheet
- Jon Furberg and Richard Hopkins
- Reviewed by Joanne K.A. Peters
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1992 September
The Color of Greed
- Gary F. Valcour
- Reviewed by Ron Jacques
- Adult
- 1985 January
Columbus: For Gold, God, and Glory: In Search of the Real Chistopher Columbus
- John Dyson
- Reviewed by Brenda Reed
- Grades 7 and up / Ages 12 and up
- 1992 March
- David Burnett
- Reviewed by James Kingstone
- Grades 11 and up
- 1984 March
- Dan Hill
- Reviewed by Sue Easun
- Grades 12 and up
- 1984 May
Coming Attractions
- Sheila Delaney, Frances Itani and Judith Pond
- Reviewed by Anne Locatelli
- Grades 12 and up
- 1986 May
Coming Attractions 2
- Reviewed by Margaret MacLean
- Grades 12 and up
- 1985 January
Coming Attractions 4
- James-French Dayv; Lesley Krueger; and Rohinton Mistry
- Reviewed by Bohdan Kinczyk
- Grades 12 and up
- 1987 March
Coming Attractions 90
- Edited by David and Maggie Helwig
- Reviewed by Jerry McDonnell
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1991 March
Coming Attractions: Stories by Sharon Butala, Bonnie Burnard & Sharon Sparling
- Reviewed by donalee Moulton-Barrett
- Grades 12 and up
- 1984 January
Coming to Grips with Lucy
- George McWhirter
- Reviewed by C. H. Mountford
- Grades 12 and up
- 1982 November
Common Magic
- Bronwen Wallace
- Reviewed by Pat Bolger
- Grades 11 and up
- 1985 September
The Communication Circuit: Basic Reading and Writing Skills
- June Baker
- Reviewed by Robert W. Bruinsma
- Grades 12 and up
- 1985 January
Communication and Interpersonal Skills
- W.E. Schulz
- Reviewed by Mary Fallis
- Grades 11 and up / Ages 16 and up
- 1989 July
The Communications Handbook
- Reviewed by Susan Ratcliffe
- Grades 9 and up
- 1983 January
Communication Skills for the World of Work
- A. C. L. Holmes, Elizabeth Holmes and John T. Shuman
- Reviewed by Ralph Wintrob
- Grades 9 and up
- 1982 November
Community Economic Development in Rural Canada: Handbook for Practitioners
- Reviewed by Maureen R. Harper
- Grades 12 and up
- 1983 January
Community Workshops for the Environment: An Organizer's Manual
- Reviewed by Peter Croskery
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1991 January
Companeros: An Anthology of Writing About Latin America
- Edited by Hugh Hazelton and Gary Geddes
- Reviewed by Joan McGrath
- Grades 12 and up / Ages 17 and up
- 1991 May
A Companion to Under the Volcano
- Chris Ackerley and Lawrence J. Clipper
- Reviewed by Alan Thomas
- Grades 12 and up
- 1985 July
Company of Adventurers
- Peter C. Newman
- Reviewed by Robin Lewis
- Grades 11 and up
- 1986 March
The Company Store: James Bryson McLachlan abd the Cape Breton Coal Miners 1900-1925
- John Mellor
- Reviewed by Catherine R. Cox
- Grades 10 and up
- 1983 November
Company's Coming: Appetizers
- Jean Paré
- Reviewed by Mollie Hooper
- Grades 10 and up
- 1986 January
The Complete Book of Crazy Patchwork: A Step-By-Step Guide to Crazy Patchwork Projects
- Mary Conroy
- Reviewed by Christine Buchanan
- Grades 9 and up
- 1985 September
Complete Buyer's Guide: How to Get More for Your Money
- Reviewed by Donna Kenwell
- Grades 10 and up
- 1982 November
Completed Field Notes: The Long Poems of Robert Kroetsch
- Robert Kroetsch
- Reviewed by Ian Dempsey
- Grades 11 and up / Ages 16 and up
- 1989 September
The Completely Collapsible Portable Man: Selected Shorter Lyrics
- J. Michael Yates
- Reviewed by Pamela Black
- Grades 12 and up
- 1985 July
Complete Poems Part I and Part II
- E.J. Pratt
- Reviewed by Ian Dempsey
- Grades 9 and up / Ages 14 and up
- 1989 July
Computer Science: Program Design and Technology
- Neal E. Reid and Stanley L. Wilson
- Reviewed by Jean Farquharson
- Grades 11-12
- 1986 May
Computer Studies
- Dave Garth and George Milbrandt
- Reviewed by Roger Lang
- Grades 9 and up
- 1982 September
Computers on the Job: Surviving Canada's Micro-Computer Revolution
- Heather Menzies
- Reviewed by Jean Farquharson
- Grades 10 and up
- 1983 March
A Concise History of Canadian Painting: 2nd Edition
- Dennis Reid
- Reviewed by J.E. Stepson
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1989 March
A Concise History of Sport in Canada
- Don Morrow, et al.
- Reviewed by Clare A. Darby
- Grades 8 and up / Ages 13 and up
- 1990 January
Condition Critical
- Nicholas Regush
- Reviewed by David Chadwick
- Grades 10 and up
- 1988 January
Congee and Peanut Butter
- Elfreida Read
- Reviewed by Adele M. Fasick
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1990 September
- Beverly A. Shier-Sorrie and Brenda E. Willoughby
- Reviewed by Cornelia Fuykschot
- Grades 10-12
- 1987 September
Connections: Political Ideologies
- Beverly A Shier-Sorrie and Brenda E. Willoughby
- Reviewed by Louise Dick
- Grades 9 and up
- 1987 July
Connexions for Social Change: A Digest of Resources and Groups
- Reviewed by Sharon A. McLennan McCue
- Grades 12 and up
- 1985 July
Conspiracy of Silence
- Lisa Priest
- Reviewed by Joan McGrath
- Grades 12 and up/Ages 17 and up
- 1989 May
Constituion 1982: Patriation of the Constitution of Canada/Le Répatriement De La Constitution Du Canada
- Reviewed by Louise Dick
- Grades 6 and up
- 1984 September
Construction Geometry
- Brian Walmsley
- Reviewed by P. F. Chernoff
- Grades 12 and up
- 1984 January
Constructing Reality: Exploring Media Issues in Documentary
- Arlene Moscovitch
- Reviewed by Melanie Fogel
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1994 March/April
Contact Prints
- Philip Kreiner
- Reviewed by Sharon A. McLennan McCue
- Adult
- 1988 January
Contemporary Canadian Photography from the Collection of the National Film Board/Photographie Canadienne Contemporaine de la Collection de l'Office National du Film
- Reviewed by J.E. Simpson
- Grades 10 and up
- 1985 May
Contemporary Canadian Theatre: New World Visions
- Anton Wagner (Edited by)
- Reviewed by Thea Todd
- Grades 12 and up
- 1986 January
Contenders: the Tory Quest for Power
- Allen Gregg, Patrick Martin and George Perlin
- Reviewed by Allan S. Evans
- Grades 12 and up
- 1984 March
Continuation II
- Louis Dudek
- Reviewed by Don Precosky
- Grades 11 and up / Ages 16 and up
- 1991 September
Continuous Journey: A Social History of South Asians in Canada
- Norman Buchignani; Doreen M. Indra with Ram Srivastiva
- Reviewed by K. Phyllis James
- Grades 9 and up
- 1986 January
Contours of Canadian Thought
- A.B. McKiltop
- Reviewed by Joan Kerrigan
- Grades 12 and up
- 1988 March
- Diane Francis
- Reviewed by Melanie Fogel
- Grades 9 and up
- 1989 March
Controlling Interest: the Canadian Gas and Oil Stakes
- David Crane
- Reviewed by Graham A. Draper
- Grades 11 and up
- 1982 November
Cooking for One
- Norah Mannion Wilmot
- Reviewed by Bessie Condos
- Grades 12 and up
- 1983 January
Cooking with Yogourt
- Sister Berthe
- Reviewed by Marilyn Kogon
- Grades 9 and up
- 1983 November
Cooking Without Mom
- Reviewed by Pat Bolger
- Grades 9 and up
- 1987 May
Copalook: Chief Trader, Hudson's Bay Company, 1923-1939
- Dudley A. Copland
- Reviewed by Robert Wieler
- Grades 10 and up
- 1987 July
Cottage Gothic
- Martin Avery
- Reviewed by Ron Jacques
- Grades 12 and up
- 1982 November
Counting the Hours: City Poems
- Tom Wayman
- Reviewed by Tony Cosier
- Grades 9 and up
- 1984 January
The County - Quinte's Isle
- Roger Boulton
- Reviewed by Graham Draper
- Grades 5 and up / Ages 10 and up
- 1990 November
Country Inns, Lodges, and Historic Hotels of Canada
- Anthony Hitchcock and Jean Lindgren
- Reviewed by David J. Young
- Grades 11 and up
- 1983 January
The Courage of the Early Morning
- Arthur Bishop
- Reviewed by Marc Shaw
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1989 November
The Cowards
- Josef Skvorecky
- Reviewed by Frank Loreto
- Grades 12 and up
- 1986 May
The CPR West: The Iron Road and the Making of a Nation
- Hugh A. Dempsey (Edited by)
- Reviewed by Keith Wilson
- Grades 11 and up
- 1985 May
Cracked Wheat and Other Stories
- Hugh Cook
- Reviewed by Tony Cosier
- Grades 11 and up
- 1985 September
The Crafted Poem: A Step by Step Guide to Writing and Appreciation
- Susan Ioannou
- Reviewed by Joanne Peters
- Grades 12 and up
- 1986 March
Craft Slices
- George Bowering
- Reviewed by Robert E. Wheeler
- Grades 12 and up
- 1986 May
Crang Plays the Ace
- Jack Batten
- Reviewed by Ted Monkhouse
- Grades 10 and up
- 1987 July
The Creation of a National Air Force
- W.A.B. Douglas
- Reviewed by Alfred F. Greenwood
- Grades 12 and up
- 1987 March
Creating the Country
- Rhona McAdam
- Reviewed by Deborah Mervold
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1990 January
Critical Years in Immigration: Canada and Australia Compared
- Freda Hawkins
- Reviewed by John D. Crawford
- Grades 11 and up / Ages 16 and up
- 1989 July
Crocodiles in the Bathtub and Other Perils
- George Jonas
- Reviewed by Thomas F. Chambers
- Grades 10 and up
- 1987 September
Cross/Cut: Contemporary English Quebec Poetry
- Edited by Ken Norris and Peter Van Toorn
- Reviewed by Philip K. Harber
- Grades 12 and up
- 1984 March
- Ian Weir
- Reviewed by Alison Mews
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1992 March
The Crowded Darkness
- Douglas Fetherling
- Reviewed by Louise Griffith
- Grades 11 and up
- 1989 March
Customs and Traditions of the Canadian Navy
- Graeme Arbuckle
- Reviewed by Neil Payne
- Grades 11 and up
- 1985 September
Canada: Culture and Resources
- Don Crosby and others
- Reviewed by John D. Crawford
- Grades 9-12
- 1987 January
Canada: Human Rights: Foundations for Freedom
- John Calder and others
- Reviewed by John D. Crawford
- Grades 9-12
- 1987 January
Canada: Human Rights and the Law
- John Calder and others
- Reviewed by John D. Crawford
- Grades 9-12
- 1987 January
Canada: Our Relations with the United States
- William Anderson and George Black
- Reviewed by John D. Crawford
- Grades 9-12
- 1987 January
Cum Buy the Farm
- Don Harron
- Reviewed by Melanie Fogel
- Grades 10 and up
- 1988 May
The Cutting Season
- Margaret Clarke
- Reviewed by Margaret S. MacLean
- Grades 12 and up
- 1985 July
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