
CM Archive








Book Reviews by Age and Grade Level

Grades 10 and up


Take My Family... Please!
Gary Lautens
Reviewed by Ellen Robson
Grades 11 and up
1982 September

Take Off
Paul Kropp
Reviewed by William F. Benson
Grades 7-12 / Ages 12-17
1986 March

Take Part: Speaking Canadian English
Lucia Pietrusiak Engkent and Karen P. Bardy
Reviewed by Carrie Gardner
Grades 10 and up
1986 September

Taking Care of Alabama
Elizabeth Morantz
Reviewed by Valerie Nielsen
Grades 8 and up / Ages 13 and up
1993 October

Taking Cover: Stories
Keath Fraser
Reviewed by Steven Wells
Grades 12 and up
1983 March

Taking Liberties / Into
Dave Carley
Reviewed by Pat Bolger
Grades 12 and up / Ages 17 and up
1994 May/June

Taking Sides
Sylvia Gunnery
Reviewed by Anne Louise Mahoney
Grades 5 and up / Ages 10 and up
1991 September

Tales from Gold Mountain: Tales of the Chinese in the New World
Paul Yee
Reviewed by Constance Hall
Grades 7 and up / Ages 12 and up
1990 March

Tales Out of School
Kathleen O'Reilly Scanlon
Reviewed by Joan Payzant
Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
1993 March

Tales of Heritage II
Hédi Bouraoui
Reviewed by Lillian M. Turner
Grades 9 to Adult
1987 July

Tales of the North Atlantic
Hal Lawrence
Reviewed by Neil Payne
Grades 12 and up
1986 May

Tales of the Wild North-East
Charles Cobbold-Farr
Reviewed by Ron Jacques
Grades 9 and up
1982 November

Tales for an Unknown City
Collected by Dan Yashinsky
Reviewed by Joan McGrath
Grades 11 and up / Ages 16 and up
1991 January

Tales Until Dawn
Joe Neil MacNiel
Reviewed by Catherine R. Cox
Grades 9 and up
1988 January

The Tall Soldier
Manuel Alvarez
Reviewed by Leslie McGrath
Grades 12 and up
1984 September

Taming the Tiger: The Struggle to Control Technology
Witold Rybcznski
Reviewed by Don Precosky
Grades 12 and up
1985 November

The Tatooed Woman
Marian Engel
Reviewed by Barbara J. Graham
Grades 12 and up
1986 January

Tavern in the Town: Early Inns and Taverns of Ontario
Margaret McBurney and Mary Byers
Reviewed by Michael Freeman
Grades 12 and up
1988 May

Tay John
Howard O'Hagan
Reviewed by E. Robson
Grades 11 and up / Ages 16 and up
1989 July

Technically-Write!: Communicating in a Technological Era
Ron S. Blicq
Reviewed by Don Precosky
Grades 12 and up
1987 March

Judith Merril (Edited by)
Reviewed by Anne Locatelli
Grades 11 and up
1986 May

The Telling of Lies: A Mystery
Timothy Findley
Reviewed by James Kingstone
Grades 11 and up
1987 March

Telling Tales
John Fraser
Reviewed by Joan Kerrigan
Grades 10 and up
1987 January

Telling the Tale
Robin Skelton
Reviewed by K. Broughton
Grades 9 to 13
1988 January

Telling the World 3
Reviewed by Nancy Carlman
Grades 9 and up
1982 November

Telling the World 3. Teacherpak
Reviewed by Nancy Carlman
Grades 9 and up
1982 November

The Temagami Experience: Recreation, Resources, and Aboriginal Rights in the Northern Ontario Wilderness
Bruce W. Hodgins and Jamie Benidickson
Reviewed by David Chadwick
Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
1989 September

Tempered by Rum: Rum in the History of the Maritime Provinces
Edited by James H. Morrison and James Moreira
Reviewed by Catherine R. Cox
Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
1989 September

Tender Only to One
Richard Taylor
Reviewed by James Kingstone
Grades 12 and up
1985 March

Tenderfoot Trail: Greenhorns in teh Cariboo
Olive Spencer Loggins
Reviewed by Adele Case
Grades 9 and up
1983 September

The Tent Peg
Aritha Van Herk
Reviewed by Dianne Harke
Grades 11 and up
1982 September

The Terracotta Army
Gary Geddes
Reviewed by Bohdan Kinczyk
Grades 10 and up
1985 July

TG: Teen Generation
Reviewed by Ted Monkhouse
Grades 9 and up
1983 May

"That House in Manawaka": Margaret Laurence's A Bird in the House
Jon Kertzer
Reviewed by S.A. McLennan McCue
Grades 12 and up/Ages 17 and up
1993 October

That's Business... But is it Legal?
Claire D. Bernstein
Reviewed by Allan Kogon
Grades 12 and up
1985 May

Their Trade is Treachery
Chapman Pincher
Reviewed by George Seibel
Grades 12 and up
1982 September

"Them Days": Memories of a Prarie Valley
Olga Klimko and Michael Taft
Reviewed by Val K. Lem
Grades 8 and up/Ages 13 and up
1993 October

Theology of Swallows
David Manicom
Reviewed by Bob Lincoln
Grades 12 and up / Ages 17 and up
1992 March

Therese and Pierrette and the Little Hanging Angel
Michel Tremblay
Reviewed by Kenneth A. Elliott
Grades 11 and up
1984 September

They Call Me Father: Memoirs of Father Nicolas Coccola
Edited by Margaret Whitehead
Reviewed by Robert Nicholas Berard
Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
1989 July

"They're Still Women After All": The Second World War and Canadian Womanhood
Ruth Roach Pierson
Reviewed by Marian Press
Grades 12 and up
1986 November

They Sought a New World: The Story of European Immigration to North America
William Kurelek
Reviewed by Alma Webster
Grades 6-12
1986 January

Third Impressions
John Metcalf (Edited by)
Reviewed by Chris Kempling
Grades 12 and up
1983 January

Thirty Acres
Reviewed by Ingrid vonHausen
Grades 10 and up/Ages 15 and up
1989 May

Thirty-Six Exposures
Kevin Major
Reviewed by Gudrun Sight
Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
1985 March

This is My Own: Letters to West and Other Writings on Japanese Canadians, 1941-1948
Muriel Kitagawa
Reviewed by
Grades 7 and up
1986 September

"This is New York, Honey!"
Michele Landsberg
Reviewed by Melanie Fogel
Grades 8 and up / Ages 13 and up
1990 March

This Marvellous Terrible Place: Images of Newfoundland and Labrabor
Yva Momatiuk and John Eastcott
Reviewed by Catherine R. Cox
Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
1989 March

This Side Jordan
Margaret Laurence
Reviewed by Clare A. Darby
Grades 11 and up / Ages 16 and up
1990 January

This Was London: The First Two Centuries
Orlo Miller
Reviewed by Charles Ottosen
Grades 10 and up/Ages 15 and up
1989 May

This Won't Hurt a Bit!
Vicki Gabereau
Reviewed by Joan M. Payzant
Grades 10 and up
1988 March

Thomas McCullough: His Life and Times
Marjory Whitelaw
Reviewed by Adele Case
Grades 12 and up
1985 November

The Thomson Empire
Susan Goldenberg
Reviewed by John Jepson
Grades 12 and up
1985 January

Three Dollar Dreams
Lynne Bowen
Reviewed by Lois Hird
Grades 12 and up
1988 September

Three One-Act Plays: The Grand Bank Robbery; All for a White Coat; Home Before Long
Bruce Stagg
Reviewed by Louise Griffith
Grades 10 and up
1986 March

Thrice Upon a Time
Genni Gunn
Reviewed by Joan McGrath
Grades 11 and up / Ages 16 and up
1990 November

The Thrill of the Grass
W.P. Kinsella
Reviewed by Michael Freeman
Grades 12 and up
1985 January

Through the Eyes of a Cat: Irish Stories
Sean Virgo
Reviewed by Barbara Jaques
Grades 11 and up.
1984 November

A Throw of Particles: New and Selected Poetry
D. G. Jones
Reviewed by Tony Cosier
Grades 11 and up
1983 September

Bobbie Kalman
Reviewed by Graham Draper
Grades 6-10 / Ages 11-15
1991 October

Ties that Bind: Canada and the Third World
Robert Clarke and Richard Swift (Edited by)
Reviewed by Algis Tribinevicius
Grades 12 and up
1982 November

Til All the Stars Have Fallen: Canadian Poems for Children
David Booth
Reviewed by Fran Newman
All Ages
1990 March

Time Among the Maya: Travels in Belize, Guatamala, and Mexico
Ronald Wright
Reviewed by Louise Griffith
Grades 12 and up / Ages 17 and up
1989 July

A Time of Cicadas
Elfreida Read
Reviewed by Louise Dick
Grades 8 and up / Ages 13 and up
1989 September

The Time of Icicles
Mary Dalton
Reviewed by Ian Dempsey
Grades 11 and up / Ages 16 and up
1990 September

Time It!
Marg Melanson
Reviewed by E. C. Beard
Grades 10 and up
1984 March

A Time for Judas
Morley Callaghan
Reviewed by C. H. Mountford
Grades 12 and up
1984 January

Timothy Eaton and the Rise of His Department Store
Joy Santink
Reviewed by Jean Farquharson
Grades 12 and up / Ages 17 and up
1990 September

Timothy Findley: Stories from a Life
Carol Roberts
Reviewed by Val K. Lem
Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
1994 September

The Tin Flute
Gabrielle Roy
Reviewed by David Chadwick
Grades 8 and up / Ages 13 and up
1990 May

A Toast to Baldy Red: Back Porch Ballads and Parlour Poems
Edited by Sid Holt and George W. Lyon
Reviewed by Pat Bolger
Grades 9 and up / Ages 14 and up
1991 November

Toefl Preparation: Student Workbook
David A. Daum and Carol Morey
Reviewed by Carrie Gardner
Grades 9-12
1985 November

Toefl Preparation: Teacher's Handbook
David A. Daum and Carol Morey
Reviewed by Carrie Gardner
Grades 9-12
1985 November

Tom Longboat
Bruce Kidd
Reviewed by Gerri Young
Grades 6-10/Ages 11-15
1993 September

Tom Thomson: The Silence and the Storm
Harold Town and David P. Silcox
Reviewed by Gary Robertson
Grades 6 and up / Ages 11 and up
1990 March

To My Father's Village
William Kurelek
Reviewed by J.E. Sampson
Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
1989 January

Too Few to Count: Canadian Women in Conflict with the Law
Edited by Ellen Adelberg and Claudia Currie
Reviewed by John Marilyn Aldworth
Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
1990 January

Roger Boulton
Reviewed by Graham Draper
Grades 5 and up / Ages 10 and up
1990 November

Statistics Canada
Reviewed by Fred May
Grades 10 and up
1985 January

Toronto Architecture: A Guide, 2nd Ed.
Patricia McHugh
Reviewed by Joan McGrath
Grades 12 and up / Ages 17 and up
1989 September

Toronto Art & Artists Guide
Linda Mollenhauer
Reviewed by Joan McGrath
Grades 12 and up
1983 January

The Toronto Star Outdoor Garden Book
H. Fred Dale
Reviewed by Elizabeth Lockett
Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
1989 September

The Toronto Story
Claire Mackay
Reviewed by Adele Ashby
Grades 7 and up / Ages 12 and up
1991 March

Toronto's Top Ten: 100s of Listings of the Best in the City
Robert Jeffrey and Paul Russell
Reviewed by Vivienne Denton
Grades 7 and up
1984 November

To the Last Drop
Michael Keating
Reviewed by Graham A. Draper
Grades 10 and up
1987 March

To Run With Longboat: Twelve Stories of Indian Athletes in Canada
Brenda Zeman
Reviewed by Ed Somerville
Grades 7 and up / Ages 12 and up
1989 July

To Scatter Stones
M.T. Dohaney
Reviewed by Sharon Anne McLennan McCue
Grades 12 and up / Ages 17 and up
1992 September

J. A. Kraulis and Duncan McDougall
Reviewed by Hugh A. Cook
All Ages
1984 May

The Totem Carvers: Charles James, Ellen Neel, and Mungo Martin
Phil Nuytten
Reviewed by Adele Case
Grades 11 and up
1984 May

Richard B. Wright
Reviewed by Joan VanSickle Heaton
1985 January

To Whom the Wilderness Speaks
Louise de Kiriline Lawrence
Reviewed by Fred Leicester
Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
1989 July

The Traders: Inside Canada's Stock Markets
Alexander Ross
Reviewed by David Chadwick
Grades 10 and up
1985 May

Trader, Tripper, Trapper: The Life of a Bay Man
Sydney Augustus Keighley
Reviewed by Robin Lewis
Grades 8 and up / Ages 13 and up
1989 September

Trail of Blood: a Canadian Murder Odyssey
Frank Jones
Reviewed by Jerry McDonnell
Grades 10 and up
1984 November

Transit in British Columbia: The First Hundred Years
Brian Kelly and Daniel Francis
Reviewed by Robin Lewis
Grades 7 and up / Ages 12 and up
1990 November

Translating Genesis
Deborah Godin
Reviewed by Tony Cosier
Grades 11 and up
1987 September

Traveller's Tales: An Illustrated Journey Through Australia, Asia and Africa
Anthony Jenkins
Reviewed by Iyvan Michalchyshyn
Grades 11 and up
1986 November

Travels with My Husband: Journeys in Asian and Africa
Elisabeth Gerrard
Reviewed by Algis Tribinevicius
Grades 12 and up
1987 March

Tree of Life: Poetic Diary
George Korey-Krzeczowski
Reviewed by Tony Cosier
Grades 9 and up
1984 January

Trials and Triumphs: The Story of African-Canadians
Lawrence Hill
Reviewed by Gerri Young
Grades 6 and up/ Ages 11 and up
1993 September

Troop 17: The Making of Mounties
James McKenzie
Reviewed by John D. Crawford
Grades 10 and up/Ages 15 and up
1993 May

True Blue: The Loyalist Legend
Walter Stewart
Reviewed by Cornelia Fuykschot
Grades 10 and up
1986 May

True North: Canadian Landscape Painting 1896-1939
Reviewed by Gary Robertson
Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
1992 January

True North Not Strong and Free
Peter C. Newman
Reviewed by Paul E. Blower
Grades 9 and up
1984 May

True Poetry: Traditional and Popular Verse in Ontario
Pauline Greenhill
Reviewed by John Bainbridge
Grades 11 and up / Ages 16 and up
1990 January

A Trust Betrayed: The Keegstra Affair
David Bercuson and Douglas Wertheimer
Reviewed by E. Robson
Grades 11 and up / Ages 16 and up
1986 March

The Truth About Herpes, Third Edition
Stephen L. Sacks
Reviewed by Ruth Bainbridge
Grades 12 and Up
1989 January

Truth and Lies in Literature: Essays and Reviews
Stephen Vizinczey
Reviewed by Alan Thomas
Grades 12 and up
1986 November

The Tsimshian: Images of the Past; View for the Present
Maragaret Seguin (Edited by)
Reviewed by Adele Case
1985 January

Crawford Kilian
Reviewed by Ted Monkhouse
Grades 12 and up
1983 September

Tug of War: The Canadian Victory that Opened Antwerp
Denis W. Whitaker and Shelagh Whitaker
Reviewed by Neil V. Payne
Grades 11 and up
1985 May

Tug of War: Ottawa and the Provinces Under Trudeay and Mulroney
David Milne
Reviewed by Neil Payne
Grades 12 and up
1987 May

The Tumbling Mirth: Remembering the Air Force
J. Douglas Harvey
Reviewed by Alfred F. Greenwood
Grades 10 and up
1984 March

Tuppence Ha'penny is a Nickel
Francis X. Atherton
Reviewed by Robert Nicholas Berard
Grades 10 and up
1988 November

Turn Off the Stars Before Leaving
John C. Lindsay
Reviewed by Mary Fallis
Grades 12 and up
1984 September

Turner: The Long Run
Jack Cahill
Reviewed by Allan S. Evans
Grades 12 and up
1985 January

Twelve Angry Men
Reginald Rose
Reviewed by Louise Griffith
Grades 10 and up
1983 March

Twentieth Century Canadian Composers, Volume Two
Ian L. Bradley
Reviewed by Robert E. Wheeler
Grades 11 and up
1982 September

Two One Act Plays: Toronto at Dreamer's Rock/Education is Our Right
Drew Haydon Taylor
Reviewed by Alan Thomas
Grades 8 and up / Ages 13 and up
1991 March

Two Tickets to Paradise
Jake MacDonald
Reviewed by Alan Thomas
Grades 11 and up / Ages 16 and up
1991 March

Two Voices
Bruce Edmundson
Reviewed by Kae Broughton
Grades 12 and up
1987 November

The Tyrian Veil
Kenneth Banks
Reviewed by Sharon Singer
Grades 12 and up
1984 September

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