Book Reviews by Age and Grade Level
Grades 10 and up
The Pacaa Nova: Clash of Cultures on the Brazilian Frontier
- Bernard von Graeve
- Reviewed by Graham Draper
- Grades 11 and up / Ages 16 and up
- 1990 May
Pacific Challenge: Canada's Future in the New Asia
- Eric Downton
- Reviewed by Catherine R. Cox
- Grades 9 and up
- 1986 September
Pal Worksheet No. 1 & 2(Daily Assignment Sheet)
- Willis M.L. Newton and Bob Ireland
- Reviewed by JoAnna B. Patton
- Grades 9 and up
- 1985 November
The Panic Field: Prose Poems
- Douglas Lochhead
- Reviewed by Tony Cosier
- Grades 10 and up
- 1984 November
Paper Boy: Memoirs
- Stuart Keate
- Reviewed by Mary Fallis
- Grades 10 and up
- 1982 November
Paper Wheat
- Twenty-Fifth Street Theatre
- Reviewed by Jo-Anne Naslund
- Grades 11 and up
- 1982 November
Paradise Cafe
- Martha Brooks
- Reviewed by Gail Lennon
- Adult
- 1989 March
The Paradise Motel
- Eric McCormack
- Reviewed by Melanie Fogel
- Grades 10 and up/Ages 15 and up
- 1989 May
Paradise Siding
- Allan Donaldson
- Reviewed by Clare Darby
- Grades 9 and up
- 1984 November
Parcel of Rogues: How Free Trade is Failing Canada
- Maude Barlow
- Reviewed by Thomas F. Chambers
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1991 September
Parenting: Shaping the Future
- Beverley Cowan
- Reviewed by Alma Webster
- Grades 9-12
- 1986 January
Paris Notebooks: Essays & Reviews
- Mavis Gallant
- Reviewed by Alan Thomas
- Grades 12 and up
- 1987 March
Parliment vs. People: An Essay on Democracy and Canadian Political Culture
- Philip Resnick
- Reviewed by Donald M. Santor
- Grades 9 and up
- 1985 May
Part of the Land, Part of the Water
- Catharine McClellan
- Reviewed by Cornelia Fuykschot
- Grades 7 to 11
- 1988 September
Partners in Furs: a History of the Fur Trade in Eastern James Bay 1600-1870
- Daniel Francis and Toby Morantz
- Reviewed by Robin Lewis
- Grades 11 and up
- 1983 July
The Party that Changed Canada: The New Democratic Party Then and Now
- Lynn McDonald
- Reviewed by Thomas F. Chambers
- Grades 10 and up
- 1987 July
Party Politics in Canada
- Hugh G. Thorburn
- Reviewed by Vic Stecyk
- Grades 12 and up
- 1986 January
Passages: A Treasure Trove of North American Exploration
- Pierre Dufour and Michell Guitard
- Reviewed by Janice (Vaudry) Carey
- Grades 10 and up/Ages 15 and up
- 1992 November
A Passion for Narrative: A Guide for Writing Fiction
- Jack Hodgins
- Reviewed by Janet McKinlay
- Grades 11 and up / Ages 16 and up
- 1994 Jan/Feb
A Passion Observed: A True Story of a Motorcycle Racer
- George Jonas
- Reviewed by Michael Freeman
- Grades 10-13 / Ages 15-18
- 1989 September
- Robert More
- Reviewed by Gina Varty
- Grades 10 and up/Ages 15 and up
- 1992 May
- Robert Wall
- Reviewed by Patricia Thorn
- Grades 12 and up
- 1983 January
Patterns of the Past: Interpreting Ontario's History
- Edited by Roger Hall, William Westfall and Laurel Sefton MacDowell
- Reviewed by Jerry McDonnell
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1989 September
Pattison: Portrait of a Capitalist Superstar
- Russell Kelly
- Reviewed by Joan M. Payzant
- Grades 10 and up
- 1986 September
Paula Lake
- George McWhirter
- Reviewed by Phyllis James
- Grades 12 and up
- 1985 January
Peace: In Pursuit of Security, Prosperity, and Justice
- Association for Values Education and Research
- Reviewed by Thomas F. Chambers
- Grades 7 and up/Ages 12 and up
- 1992 May
Peasants in th Promised Land: canada and the Ukranians
- Jaroslav Petryshyn
- Reviewed by Iyvan Michalchyshyn
- Grades 10 and up
- 1986 May
Pebbles to Computers: The Thread
- Hans Blohm, Stafford Beer and David Suzuki
- Reviewed by Jean Farquharson
- Grades 11 and up
- 1987 January
A Peculiar Kind of Politics: Canada's Overseas Ministry in the First World War
- Desmond Morton
- Reviewed by Allan S. Evans
- Grades 12 and up
- 1983 January
The Pegnitz Junction
- Mavis Gallant
- Reviewed by Joan Kerrigan
- Grades 12 and up
- 1982 November
Pelagie: the Return to a Homeland
- Antonine Maillet
- Reviewed by Philip K. Harber
- Grades 11 and up
- 1982 September
The Penguin Book of Canadian Verse
- Ralph Gustafson (ed.)
- Reviewed by Warner Winter
- Grades 10 and up
- 1985 January
The Penguin Book of Modern Canadian Drama
- Richard Plant (Edited by)
- Reviewed by Pat Bolger
- Grades 12 and up
- 1985 March
People Like Us in a Place Like This
- Philip Kreiner
- Reviewed by James Kingstone
- Grades 12 and up
- 1983 September
Perdue or How the West Was Lost
- Geoffrey Ursell
- Reviewed by Joan VanSickle
- Grades 12 and up
- 1984 September
The Perfect Piece: Monologues From Canadian Plays
- Reviewed by Melanie Fogel
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1991 September
Perfect Pies: A Complete Savory & Sweet Fare of Unique, Wholesome Pies
- Diane Fine
- Reviewed by Mollie Hooper
- Grades 10 and up
- 1986 May
Persephone: A Sequence of Sonnets
- Kenneth Banks
- Reviewed by Pat Bolger
- Grades 12 and up
- 1986 July
Personal Development: Self-Instruction for Personal Agency
- Jack Martin and Wyn Martin
- Reviewed by Diane Ikonen
- Grades 12 and up
- 1984 May
Personal Letters of a Public Man: The Family Letters of John G. Diefenbaker
- John G. Diefenbaker
- Reviewed by Rita Sinihelmi
- Grades 11 and up
- 1986 March
Perspectives on Modecai Richler
- Michael Darling (Edited by)
- Reviewed by Alan Thomas
- Grades 11 and up
- 1987 July
Petticoat Doctors: The First Forty Years of Women in Medicine at Dalhousie University
- Enid Johnson MacLeod
- Reviewed by Catherine R. Cox
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1990 November
- Alice Story
- Reviewed by Linda Holeman
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1990 May
Photographs that Changed the World
- Lorraine Monk
- Reviewed by Alan Thomas
- Grades 7 and up / Ages 12 and up
- 1990 January
Photography of Natural Things
- Freeman Patterson
- Reviewed by Maurice G. Black
- Grades 11 and up
- 1983 March
- Manitoba Multicultural Anthology Committee
- Reviewed by Gerri Young
- Grades K-Grade 12
- 1987 May
Pieces of Dreams
- Charlotte Vale Allen
- Reviewed by Brenda Watson
- Adult
- 1984 November
Pierre Elliott Treaudeau: Reason Before Passion
- Kevin J. Christiano
- Reviewed Val K. Lem
- Grades 12 and up / Ages 17 and up
- 1994 November/December
The Pie's the Limit!: Savoury Pies for All Occasions
- Rick Johnson and Judy Wells
- Reviewed by Jackie Black
- Grades 9 and up
- 1984 May
Piling Blood
- Al Purdy
- Reviewed by Pamela Black
- Grades 12 and up
- 1985 March
Pilots: Canadian Stories from the Cockpit - From First Flight to the Jet Age
- John Melady
- Reviewed by Neil V. Payne
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1990 January
A Pinch of This, a Grain of That: the Creative Guide to Herbs & Spices
- Géraldine Lacerte-Neumann
- Reviewed by Marilyn H. Kogon
- Grades 12 and up
- 1984 May
Pirouette: Pierre Trudeau and Canadian Foreign Policy
- J.L. Granatstein and Robert Bothwell
- Reviewed by Thomas F. Chambers
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1991 September
A Place to Die
- George Bowering
- Reviewed by Boh Kinczyk
- Grades 12 and up
- 1983 September
- Michael Bliss
- Reviewed by Janice Vaudry
- Grades 9 and up / Ages 14 and up
- 1992 March
Plan, Analyse, Learn: A Home Study Companion
- Willis M.L. Newton and Bob Ireland
- Reviewed by JoAnna B. Patton
- Grades 9 and up
- 1985 November
The Planiverse: Computer Contact with a Two-Dimensional World
- A. K. Dewdney
- Reviewed by Jean Farquharson
- Grades 11 and up
- 1984 November
Planning Now for an Information Society: Tomorrow is Too Late
- Reviewed by Jean Farquharson
- Grades 9 and up
- 1983 May
Planning for Seven Generations: Guideposts for a Sustainable Future
- Mike Nickerson
- Reviewed by Janice Foster
- Grades 7 and up / Ages 12 and up
- 1994 May/June
Playing With Fire
- Tom Marshall
- Reviewed by Sister Anne Leonard
- Grades 10 and up
- 1985 March
Playing for Keeps: The Making of the Prime Minister, 1988
- Graham Fraser
- Reviewed by Violet Williams
- Grades 12 and up / Ages 17 and up
- 1990 March
- Jonathan Webb
- Reviewed by Joan Kerrigan
- Grades 12 and up
- 1984 March
Pocket Criminal Code and Miscellaneous Statutes
- Reviewed by Allan Kogan
- Grades 12 and up
- 1985 January
Poems About Me
- R.G. Everson
- Reviewed by Ian Dempsey
- Grades 9 and up / Ages 13 and up
- 1991 March
Poetry by Canadian Women
- Rosemary Sullivan
- Reviewed by Donalee Moulton-Barrett
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1989 July
Poetry in Focus
- Reviewed by Pat Bolger
- Grades 9-11
- 1983 March
Point Blank
- Lyn Cockburn
- Reviewed by donalee Moulton-Barrett
- Grades 10 and up
- 1987 May
Polar Passage: The Historic First Sail Through the Northwest Passage
- Jeff Maclnnis with Wade Rowland
- Reviewed by Mollie Hooper
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1989 November
The Polar Passion: The Quest for the North Pole
- Farley Mowat
- Reviewed by Robin Lewis
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1990 January
The Police Chronicles
- Peter Goddard and Philip Kamin
- Reviewed by Frank Lorento
- Grades 10 and up
- 1984 September
Police: Urban Policing in Canada
- John Sewell
- Reviewed by Ted Monkhouse
- Grades 11 and up
- 1985 September
Political Life in Canada
- Reviewed by Dennis Nosyk
- Grades 9 and up
- 1983 September
Political Wives: Wifestyles of the Rich and Infamous
- Susan Riley
- Reviewed by Joan McGrath
- Grades 12 and up/Ages 17 and up
- 1989 May
The Political Refugees: A History of the Estonians in Canada
- Karl Aunn
- Reviewed by Algis Tribinevicius
- Grades 12 and up
- 1985 November
Politics in Canada: Culture, Institutions, Behaviour and Public Policy
- Robert Jackson, Doreen Jackson and Nicolas Baxter-Moore
- Reviewed by Ted Monkhouse
- Grades 12 and up
- 1986 September
Politics of Water: Canada and the United States
- Ernest Baydock and others
- Reviewed by R. Rennie
- Grades 9-12
- 1986 March
The Pool in the Desert
- Sara Jeanette Duncan
- Reviewed by Anne Locatelli
- Grades 12 and up
- 1985 January
Population and Canada
- Michael Barrett
- Reviewed by Dave Jenkinson
- Grades 11 and up
- 1982 November
Pork, Perfect Pork
- Reviewed by Elizabeth Lockett
- Grades 10 and up
- 1984 September
Portfoolio: 1989 in Canadian Caricature
- Edited by Guy Badeaux
- Reviewed by Fred Leicester
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1990 March
Portrait of an Anorexic: A Mother and Daughter's Story
- Maureen Ardell and Cory-Ann Ardell
- Reviewed by Brenda Watson
- Grades 11 and up
- 1985 September
Portrait of Angelica/A Letter to My Son
- George Ryga
- Reviewed by Pamela Black
- Grades 11 and up
- 1985 November
A Portrait of War 1939-1943
- Richard S. Malone
- Reviewed by J. D. Ingram
- Grades 11 and up
- 1984 January
Post Mortem
- David Stewart-Patterson
- Reviewed by Thomas F. Chambers
- Grades 10 and up
- 1988 January
The Pottersfield Portfolio
- Reviewed by Ruth Cosstick
- Grades 10 and up
- 1987 July
Pourin' Down Rain
- Chery Foggo
- Reviewed by Irene Gordon
- Grades 9 and up / Ages 13 and up
- 1991 March
Powers of Observation
- George Woodcock
- Reviewed by John Bainbridge
- Grades 11 and up / Ages 16 and up
- 1989 September
PQ: Réne Lévesque & the Parti Québecois in Power
- Graham Fraser
- Reviewed by George Hoffman
- Grades 12 and up
- 1986 January
- John Krizanc
- Reviewed by Louise Griffith
- Grades 11 and up
- 1987 July
Prairie Fire: The 1885 North-West Rebellion
- Bob Beal and Rod Macleod
- Reviewed by J.D. Ingram
- Grades 11 and up
- 1985 July
Prayers of a Very Wise Child
- Roch Carrier
- Reviewed by Theo Hersh
- Grades 7 and up / Ages 12 and up
- 1992 March
Pregnancy and Lifestyle Habits
- Peter A. Fried
- Reviewed by ELizabeth Woodger
- Grades 12 and up
- 1983 November
The Pregnant Male or Eight Steps to a Flat Stomach
- Jack H. McQuaig
- Reviewed by Michael Freeman
- Grades 12 and up
- 1983 January
Preparing for the Job
- John Nixon and Karen Kokoski
- Reviewed by Elaine Blakey
- Grades 7 and up
- 1986 July
Preserving Our World: A Consumer's Guide to the Brundtland Report
- Warner Troyer
- Reviewed by Peter Freeman
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1991 March
The Presients and the Prime Ministers: Washington and Ottawa Face to Face; the Myth of Bilateral Bliss 1867-1982
- Lawrence Martin
- Reviewed by Allan S. Evans
- Grades 12 and up
- 1983 January
Preston Manning and the Reform Party
- Murray Dobbin
- Reviewed by Thomas F. Chambers
- Grades 10 and up/Ages 15 and up
- 1992 May
The Prime Ministers of Canada
- Gordon Donaldson
- Reviewed by Brenda Reed
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1994 November/December
Prime Ten at Ten
- Knowlton, Nash
- Reviewed by John D. Crawford
- Grades 10 and up
- 1988 May
The Prism Moon
- Martine Bates
- Reviewed by Alison Mews
- Grades 8-10 / Ages 13-15
- 1994 Jan/Feb
Prisoners of Isolation: Solitary Confinenent in Canada
- Michael Jackson
- Reviewed by Donald S. Santor
- Grades 11 and up
- 1984 March
The Private Capital: Ambition and Love in the Age of MacDonald and Laurier
- Sandra Gwyn
- Reviewed by Allan S. Evans
- Grades 12 and up
- 1985 March
The Private Voice: A Journal of Reflections
- Peter Gzowski
- Reviewed by Marlene Wylychenko
- Grades 11 and up
- 1989 March
Probable Fictions
- Louis K. MacKendrich (Edited by)
- Reviewed by Alan Thomas
- Grades 12 and up
- 1984 May
Problem Bilong Yu: An Adventure in Development
- Reginald Kendall
- Reviewed by John D. Crawford
- Grades 10 and up
- 1987 September
Proem Canada
- Volume 1, Number 1.
- Reviewed by Joanne Robertson
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1989 July
Profiles in Canadian Literature 3
- Jeffrey M. Heath
- Reviewed by Elizabeth Woodger
- Grades 9 and up
- 1983 September
Profiles in Canadian Literature 4
- Jeffrey M. Heath
- Reviewed by Dianne Clipsham
- Grades 9 and up
- 1983 September
Profiles in Canadian Literature 7
- Jeffrey M. Heath (Series Editor)
- Reviewed by Alan Thomas
- Grades 9 and up / Ages 14 and up
- 1992 September
Profiles in Canadian Literature 8
- Jeffrey M. Heath (Series Editor)
- Reviewed by Alan Thomas
- Grades 9 and up / Ages 14 and up
- 1992 September
Programming in Basic. The First Steps
- Robert G. Bell
- Reviewed by Jean Farquharson
- Grades 11 and up
- 1984 May
The Progress of Love
- Alice Munro
- Reviewed by Barbara J. Harris
- Grades 12 and up
- 1987 January
The Promised Land: Settling the West 1896-1914
- Pierre Berton
- Reviewed by Allan S. Evans
- Grades 10 and up
- 1985 January
The Promoters' City: Building the Industrial Town of Maisonneuve, 1883-1918
- Paul-Andre Linteau
- Reviewed by Fred May
- Grades 12 and up
- 1986 January
The Prose of Life: Sketches from Victorian Canada
- Carole Gerson and Kathy Mezei (Edited by)
- Reviewed by Adele Case
- Grades 10 and up
- 1982 September
Provincial Politics in Canada
- Rand Dyck
- Reviewed by Grace Shaw
- Grades 12 and up
- 1986 September
The Proving Ground
- Rhea Tregebov
- Reviewed by Ian Dempsey
- Grades 10 and up / Ages 15 and up
- 1991 September
Public Violence in Canada, 1867-1982
- Judy M. Torrance
- Reviewed by Joan Kerrigan
- Grades 12 and up
- 1986 November
Puffin Cove
- Neil G. Carey
- Reviewed by Yoskyl Webb
- Grades 10 and up
- 1983 July
The Pundits: Power, Politics and the Press
- Lloyd Tataryn
- Reviewed by Ted Monkhouse
- Grades 12 and up
- 1986 May
Purple Iron Weed: A Canadian Legacy of Tales and Legends
- Sylvia Raff
- Reviewed by Jo Anna Burns Patton
- Grades 9 and up
- 1985 July
Put the World Together: South Africa 1948-1993
- John Fielding, series editor
- Reviewed by Brenda Reed
- Grades 10 and up/Ages 15 and up
- 1994 October
Putting the Charter to Work
- David M. Beatty
- Reviewed by Thomas F. Chambers
- Grade 12
- 1987 November
- Manitoba Multicultural Anthology Committee
- Reviewed by Gerri Young
- Grades K-Grade 12
- 1987 May
Puzzling on the Rim: Cross Word Puzzles on the Pacific Ocean and the Countries that Border It
- Naomi Wakan
- Reviewed by Howard Hurt
- Grades 7 and up / Ages 12 and up
- 1994 September
Pyramus and Thisbe
- William Shakespeare
- Reviewed by Louise Griffith
- Grades 10 and up
- 1983 March
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